Peter Hoenen, ‘De origine primorum principiorum scientiae’
Sku: 10160DTL030
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Author: P. Hoenen
Language(s): Latin
Decade: 1930
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Description: Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran
In 'Insight Revisited' Lonergan writes, 'In 1933 I had been much struck by an article of Peter Hoenen's in Gregorianum arguing that intellect abstracted from phantasm not only terms but also the nexus between them. He held that that certainly was the view of Cajetan and probably of Aquinas. Later he returned to the topic, arguing first that Scholastic philosophy was in need of a theory of geometrical knowledge, and secondly producing various geometrical illustrations such as the Moebius strip that fitted in very well with his view that not only terms but also nexus were abstracted from phantasm. So about 1943 I began collecting materials for an account of Aquinas' views on understanding and the inner word. The result ws a series of articles that appeared in Theological Studies from 1946 to 1949. They took into account the psychological, metaphysical, and trinitarian aspects of Thomist thought on the subject. Their basic point was that Aquinas attributed the key role in cognitional theory not to inner words, concepts, but to acts of understanding. Hoenen's point that intellect abstracted both terms and nexus from phantasm was regarded as Scotist language, both terms and nexus belong to the conceptual order; what Aristotle and Aquinas held was that intellect abstracted from phantasm a preconceptual form or species of quod quid erat esse, whence both terms and nexus were inwardly spoken.'
The present entry is the first of Hoenen's articles, 'De origine primorum principiorum scientiae, Gregorianum 14 (1933) 153-84. An English translation is provided in 1016ADTE030.
No transcription available.