‘On the Origin of the First Principles of Knowledge [Science]’
Sku: 1016ADTE030
Archival Number:
Author: P. Hoenen
Language(s): English: translation of 10160DTL030
Decade: 1930
Open 1016ADTE030.pdf
Description: Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran
An English translation of Hoenen's article 'De origine prmorum principiorum scientiae,' which was infuential in Lonergan's development.
The following corrections should be made to the translation:
8, 3: intellected > intellect
8, 12: cogent > agent
12, 5: disfunction > disjunction
12, -3: Add the following: Antonius Andreas in q. 4 in conclusions 2 and 4 says that whle it is useful it is not necessary. But the Thomists hold that it is useful and necessary.
15, -8: the sentence 'Both kinds' should be underlined.
17, 7: 'cause' should be underlined'17, -12: Add 'cf. De veritate, q. 9, a. 1, ad 2m.'
18, 6: underline 'in componing and dividing'
18, -9: underloine 'by the presence of the intelligible'
24, -14: 15>13
29, 13: underline 'seen'
29, -3: add i the blank space 'origin'
30, 1: after 'results' add 'by abstraction'
34, 11: after 'article' add '9'
34, 13: underline 'every'
35, 1: underline 'in it'
No transcription available.