‘On the Origin of the First Principles of Knowledge [Science]’
Sku: 1016ADTE030
Archival Number:
Author: P. Hoenen
Language(s): English: translation of 10160DTL030
Decade: 1930
Open 1016ADTE030.pdf

An English translation of Hoenen's article 'De origine prmorum principiorum scientiae,' which was infuential in Lonergan's development.

The following corrections should be made to the translation:

8, 3: intellected > intellect
8, 12: cogent > agent
12, 5: disfunction > disjunction
12, -3: Add the following: Antonius Andreas in q. 4 in conclusions 2 and 4 says that whle it is useful it is not necessary. But the Thomists hold that it is useful and necessary.
15, -8: the sentence 'Both kinds' should be underlined.
17, 7: 'cause' should be underlined'17, -12: Add 'cf. De veritate, q. 9, a. 1, ad 2m.'
18, 6: underline 'in componing and dividing'
18, -9: underloine 'by the presence of the intelligible'
24, -14: 15>13
29, 13: underline 'seen'
29, -3: add i the blank space 'origin'
30, 1: after 'results' add 'by abstraction'
34, 11: after 'article' add '9'
34, 13: underline 'every'
35, 1: underline 'in it'


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No transcription available.