Understanding and Being lecgture 2:1
Sku: 13500A0E050
Archival Number: CD/mp3 135
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1950
CD/mp3 135, first part of second Halifax lecture on Insight. Corresponds to CWL 5: 33-48. Sponsored by Msgr. Angelo Caligiuri. Self-appropriation is advertence to oneself as experiencing, understanding, and judging; understanding oneself as experiencing, understanding, and judging; and affirming oneself as experiencing, understanding, and judging. It offers a basis, and the basis involves a nest of related terms. Artistic expression does not go into the abstract field of general formulation. The artist's expression of insight is the work of art. Again, Socrates' interlocutors had insights into particular cases, but did not pursue the scientific ideal of definition of terms and general formulations. The content of the insight, what it adds to the empirical presentations, is illustrated in the example of the definition of the circle. In this case what the insight grasps is necessity and impossibility. But when one says that, one is conceiving, and so has gone beyond the insight, in order to express it. There is also a difference between the conception and the empirical data. A point is not an image, nor is a line. Without self-appropriation, we are talking simply about implicit definitions. With self-appropriation, the four terms take on a meaning from one's own experience of oneself, and the greater the degree of self-appropriation, the more meaning they take on.