Understanding and Being Discussion 3:1
Sku: 14300A0E050
Archival Number: CD/mp3 143
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1950
CD/mp3 143, first part of third discussion session at Halifax lectures on Insight. Corresponds to CWL 5: 304-21. Sponsored by Jeanne Belair in the name of Fr. Jack Belair. Common sense and the patterns of experience. The processes of experience, understanding, and judgment apply to common sense. But it is much easier to pin things down in science. Common sense occurs and develops in the dramatic and practical patterns of experience. No pattern excludes common sense. The text does not attempt an exhaustive account of patterns. And if one seeks universally valid knowledge, one must be in the intellectual pattern. Common sense and the conjugates. Experiential conjugates are terms defined by relations to us. The pure conjugate is a term defined from verified correlations. It is contained implicitly within correlations. Pure conjugates are explanatory: basic terms defined because contained implicitly in verified correlations. The ideal of common sense. The patterns are not a set of formulae. And common sense is more than problem solving. The ideal is the goal of potentialities, and human potentialities are infinite. It is by trying this and that that we come to discover what we are really for. Insight in apes. Apes can use means to an end when the means and the end are within their range of vision. They are not capable of free images.