De Deo Trino: Lectures Gregorian 1956-57 from student notes
Sku: 14500DTL050
Archival Number: LB 145
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): Latin
Decade: 1950
Open 14500DTL050.pdf


Lonergan's first published work on the positive/dogmatic portion of Trinitarian theology was in 1961: De Deo Trino: Pars Analytica. But he did lecture on this dimension earlier in Rome, and student notes of those lectures have been preserved in the library of the Lonergan Research Institute, Toronto. This entry is a version of those notes edited by Robert M. Doran. Michael Shields has translated the notes, and his translation appears here as 14600DTE050.


Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran



No transcription available.