Grace and the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius
Sku: 16400DTE040
Archival Number: A164
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1940
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Grace and the Spiritual Exercises 164
1 Disputed that Ig paid any attention to grace
I have no interest in this controversy: its only ground is the existence of Jesuits who know little about grace, conduct the spiritual exercises as if they knew nothing about it.
Lawlor, Doctrine of Grace in the S E, TS 3 1942 513-32
My interest is positive: attempt to awaken your interest in grasping synthetically, concretely, the doctrine, nature, effects of grace, and its relevance to SE, one’s own and those of others.
2 Grace: not a set of abstractions on which some schematic and superficial knowledge needed for exams
not a set of rules for theologically correct speech
but that by which, that which makes it really true, that we, the whole of us, body and soul, biologically, sensitively, intellectually, voluntarily, are living members of Xt Jesus
3 Begin with the conspicuous instance
(a) Gratia plena, Ds tecum
(b) Poulain, transforming union, ch. XIX, 283 ff.
Permanent union w God: (vision of Trinity, some attribute)
Continuous double life (ordinary living, life of contemplation)
(c) Reached through stages
prayer of simplicity, quietude, union, ecstasy
4 Diving inhabitation, supernatural elevation, habits, actual are true of every soul in the state of grace
Further, they are manifested
(a) avoidance of moral sin, habitual deliberate venial, delib venial sin
If any man love me, he will keep my commandments, and I and my Father will love him and come to him and abide with him
Even just need special help to avoid mortal for notable period
(b) inspirations of intellect, aspirations of will
vocation, times of retreat, 2nd conversion
(c) Consolations and desolations
Grace operating, affecting tone of consciousness, one factor in many, yet calling the tune
St. Ig. Annot 6: if nothing happening, are you playing game
(d) docility to Holy Spirit
purification of conscience character
illuminations and aspirations of HS become noticeable
election by rules for discernment of spirits. 2nd time, for El
de Guibert, p 122-61
Grace is the meaning of the Exercises
(a) Exercises
Grace is a mystery; you can know about it abstractly through theology; but to know about it concretely, you have to live the life of grace’ you have your own private well, at which you alone can drink, and you have to drink at it.
Not what is humility, but how you arrive, poverty, humiliations
Nor what is love, but how you may pray towards loving
(b) Book of Exercises: Urdirektorium
Gagliardi: practically everything left to prudence of director
soul is increasing in life if grace under experienced guidance
(c) Grace is life in Xt
remove hard egoism: 1st week
imitate Xt: other weeks
(d) Rule of giving points.
Annot 2: non abundantia scientiae sed sensus et gustus interior