Sacrament of Orders
Sku: 23300DTL040
Archival Number: A233
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): Latin
Decade: 1940
Open 23300DTL040.pdf
These notes are gathered as 1 item because BL wrapped them together. They include:
1. Constitutio apostolica de sacris ordinibus of Pius XII (AAS, 28 Jan 1948)
2. BL's typed notes, Decretum pro Armenis
3. BL's typed notes, De Ordine: Canones Tridentini
4. BL's typed notes on adversaries, with a handwritten page inserted
5. More on Trent by BL
6. Notes on NT texts re: orders
7. Notes on history of episcopate
8. More on NT
9. More on history
10. Systematic notes
Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran
No transcription available.