Critical Realism and the Integration of the Sciences 3
Critical Realism and the Integration of the Sciences 3
Sku: 25500A0E060
Archival Number: CD/mp3 255
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1960
CD/mp3 255, third Dublin lecture on 'Critical Realism and the Integration of the Sciences.' Sponsored by William Bridgeo. Here the process is from presence to self to knowledge of self, from consciousness to self-appropriation. That there are three criteria of objectivity presents no difficulty if knowledge is a structure, where each part (experience, understanding, and judgment) has its own special type of objectivity. The structure of objectivity corresponds to the structure of the knowing. The three form a single objectivity, located in the structure of the virtually unconditioned. If one acknowledges only experiential objectivity, one is an empiricist; if only normative objectivity, one is an idealist; if all three together in a structure, one is a critical realist. There are all sorts of realists. They don't mean the same thing when they're talking about anything. If they pay no attention to cognitional structure, every operation has to be an instance of knowing, of absolute objectivity, even on the level of sense or of understanding. This give rise to phenomenalism, which leads into idealism. Idealism in turn leads to existentialism, open to what is beyond but not able to get there. This opens upon the notion of the subject, which is explained in terms of a particular sense of the word 'presence.' The recording ends at this point.