Transcription of 2958BA0E070
Sku: 2958BDTE070
Archival Number: 966_M1A&B
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1970
Open 2958BDTE070.pdf

Transcription from audio recording of remainder of first lecture in Lonergan's 1979 course on Method in Theology at Boston College. Date is September 6, 1979. This follows 2958ADTE070. Transcription by Robert M. Doran. Audio recording may be found at 2958BA0E070. The last part of the recording, which is the end of the lecture 'Horizons and Transpositions,' is not transcribed here.

Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran


No transcription available.