The Assumption (A New Dogma)
Sku: 30000A0E050
Archival Number: TD 30-31
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1950
This recording was recovered from a lost 16” transcription disc. It was recorded on October 31, 1950 in Toronto. It is the oldest known recording of Lonergan’s voice. It was broadcast on a Montreal radio station on November 5, 1950. The text was later published in January, 1951 by the Jesuit run Canadian Messenger of the Sacred Heart under the title, “A New Dogma” See 11200DTE050. Corresponds to Collected Works of Lonergan Vol. 20: Ch. 15. Lonergan attempts to address some of the ambiguities around the definition of the assumption. This recording is a follow up to an article that was published as, ‘The Assumption and Theology,’ in Vers le dogme de L’Assomption (Montreal: Fides, 1948) 411-24; now chapter 4 in Collection, vol. 4 of Collected Works of Bernard Lonergan. See also, 23100DTE040.