Sku: 32500DTEL40
Archival Number: A325
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English, Latin
Decade: 1940
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14 pp. Some of these clearly belong with those in A324. The first two pages contain an outline of what BL was attempting to write. Topics are: Order and End, End and Nature, Pure Nature, The Elimination of Order, The Restoration of Order. The reverse of each of these is a page numbered 27 of the same "Order" of 324. Then two pages, Nature and Destiny, and 11 more numbered 3-13, probably meant to follow these, but also related to the "integration" pages of 324. A page numbered 18 and headed, Order, concludes the item.
Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran
No transcription available.