Introduction, Insight, and fragments of chapter 1
Sku: 35200DTE050
Archival Number: A352
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1950
Open 35200DTE050.pdf

Typescript of Introduction to Insight. Pages are numbered by hand, 9-33, with 28 omitted (though no content is omitted--see note for printer, p. 27.) They are also numbered by type, 1 (omitted) - 25.  Most are blue carbon, but black on pp. 25-27.  Note BL's spelling, program (p. 9=1), encyclopedias (p. 10=2), etc.


pt xix, ll. 5 ff. (ts 12): `... would be numbered. Nor is it any secret whether such invitations are helpful or, when helpful, accepted. For winter twilight ...' The changes to what appears in pt are made by hand in ts.
pt xix, l. -13 (ts 13): `...from the dim world of thought to the pulsing flow of life.' Changes by hand in ts.
pt xix, l. -10 (ts 13): `but the point to the delineation ...' Change by hand in ts.
pt xxi, l. -12 (ts 16): `a' before `Kant' is added by hand
pt xxi, l. -10 (ts 16): `Clearly, it would be foolhardy for a contemporary effort to resolve the duality in man's knowledge, to ignore, ...' Changes by hand in ts.
pt xxiii, ll. 8-9 (ts 19): `As has been said, ...' Change by hand in ts
pt xxiii, l. -17 (ts 19): `High School' for `elementary'
pt xxv, l. 11 (ts 22): `mathematical' is added by hand in ts
pt xxv, l. -15, (ts 22): `definitive' for `definite'
pt xxvi, ll. 2-3 (ts 23): `And if it comes to understand and affirm what it is to understand and affirm, ...' Changes by hand in ts.

The original pp. 24 bottom (`From a logical viewpoint, indeed, ...--see pt, p. xxvi) - 28 (pt xxviii, To conclude ...) are replaced by the black carbon 25-27, indicating that L. had an earlier version of these paragraphs. The last two lines on 24 (pt xxvi, l. -6) are crossed out.  They read: `From a logical viewpoint, indeed, it might seem that enough has been said.  The argument is to move through ...'

pt xxviii, l. -9 (ts 26): The paragraph, I am far from certain, is not given in ts as in pt, but reads as follows:

`Still, if appearances are against me, the facts are not.  In the three centuries since Descartes and, particularly, in the century and a half since Kant, neither time nor effort has been lacking to work out a metaphysically inspired epistemology; and if the results of all that labor have not been entirely satisfactory, one does not have to go far to find the reason.  For the broad agreement of Scholastics within the field of metaphysics is deceptive.  One has only to scratch the surface to bring to light not only between schools but also within them numerous, profound, and far-reaching differences.  Such differences partly are acknowledged openly in ranges of disputed questions that down the centuries have revealed their intractableness; and beyond such overt issues there are the covert ones that cry for investigation yet cannot be attacked successfully until the disputed questions are cleared away.  In brief, the scandal of hopeless disagreement among philosophers generally is mirrored on a smaller scale among Scholastics and, even if one is not ready to grant that a detached and penetrating study of cognitional issues alone offers the prospect of a systematic solution at least one can hardly maintain that no attempt whatever is to be made in that direction.' (There follows the beginning of the paragraph, To conclude, as in pt, xxviii, l. 1. At the bottom of the new p. 27, it reads: `[Note for printer: Follow on page 29 (ink top right-hand corner) Page 28 should have been deleted.]')

pt xxx, l. 8 (ts 32): `annoyance.' for `annoyance?'

pt xxx, l. -14 (ts 32): `In the Introduction of his Treatise on Human Nature'

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No transcription available.