Chapter 1 of INSIGHT.
Sku: 35300DTE050
Archival Number: A353
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1950
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Carbon typescript of Ch. 1 of INSIGHT. Here the title is simply Elements. Black carbon. Numbered 34-74 by hand at top; some pages are numbered in type at bottom
pt 3 (ts 35): The title of the division, A Dramatic Instance, is added by hand in ts.
pt 4, ll.6 ff. (ts 35): The following changed version is suggested by pencil in ts, with a marginal note, too many sibilants, referring to the typed (and eventually published) version. The handwriting does not seem to be BL's. `But the point I would make does not lie in this outburst of joy but in the antecedent desire and effort that it betrays. For if the typical scientist's delight in his success is more restrained, ...'
pt 5, l. -4 (ts p. 38): `Once more' for `Again'. This is not changed in the ts.
pt 5, l. 1 (ts p. 38): `Because insights arise with reference to the concrete, teachers use diagrams, mathematicians invent symbols, teachers need black-boards, pupils have to perform ...' Changed by hand in ts.
pt 7 (ts 40): the division and subdivision titles are added by hand in ts.
pt 7, l. 14 (ts p. 40): `It will appeal simply to the wheel.' Changed by hand in ts.
pt 8, ll. 16-17 (ts 42): `be sunk' (pt) is in ts `sink'.
Not changed in ts.
pt 8: The division title for 2.3 is added by hand in ts, but not that for 2.2.
pt 9: Division title for 2.4 is added by hand in ts.
pt 10: Division titles added by hand in ts.
pt 10, l. -2 (ts 46): `... that all right angles be equal.' Changed by hand in ts.
pt 11: division title added by hand in ts.
pt 12: division title added by hand in ts.
pt 12, l. -7 (ts 49): `Hilbert's point' was in ts `the meaning of point'. Changed by hand in ts.
pt 13: division titles added by hand in ts.
pt 13, end of 2nd par, reads in ts: `... by arithmetic is meant a subject studied in grade school and that by elementary algebra is meant a subject studied in high school.'
pt 14: division title added by hand in ts.
pt 15: ditto.
pt 16: ditto.
pt 17: ditto.
pt 18, l. 16 (ts 57): `... he can say that the rest of the problem is just routine.' Changed by hand in ts.
pt 19, l. 7 (ts 58): The section, 4. Inverse Insight, began in ts, `So far we have been asking questions that can be answered. How can one tell whether a crown is made ...' These words are crossed out at the bottom of p. 58 of ts, and the section begins anew on p. 59, which is in a darker carbon, and where the division title is not added by hand but appears in the typescript itself.
pt 20, l. -13 (ts 61): `... I have thought it wise to indulge in an apostolate of the obvious.' Not changed by hand in ts.
pt 21, l. 14 (ts 62):ts reads `larger' (handwritten) for pt's `greater'. Not changed in ts.
pt 21, l. -11 (ts 62): `... so that the rational and irrational fractions from zero to unity ...' Changed by hand in ts.
pt 22, l. -6: `that' is added by hand in ts.
pt 24. l. -9: `in his first law of motion.' Changed by hand in ts.
pt 25, l. 3 (ts p. 67): `infra-categorial'. Not changed in ts.
pt 25, l. 9 (ts p. 67): `... Einstein found a more general explanation ...' Changed by hand in ts.
pt 26, ll. 1-2 (ts p. 68): `... of its own notable importance.' Changed by hand in ts.
pt 27, l. -10 (ts p. 70-71): `Because particular places and particular times possess no immanent intelligibility of their own ...' Crossed out in ts, and replaced by what is in pt.
pt 31, l. -13 (ts p. 74--third 74 of three): ts puts a comma after `is'--here quite appropriate.
In ts, last 3 pp. are all numbered 74, and attention is called to that fact at the top: indication of a change from an earlier version.
Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran
No transcription available.