INSIGHT: Chapter 3
Sku: 35500DTE050
Archival Number: A355
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1950
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Black carbon typescript of chap.3 of Insight. Some handwritten additions, notably headings. Some pages are numbered in type at the bottom, starting with the first page, which is numbered 70. All are numbered at the top, some by hand and some in type. The numbers at the top run 108-166.
This list will use the numbers at the top of the page.
pt 70, line -11 (ts 109): ts had, `... ultimately science must account for all data; hence one may not say that colors and sounds, heat and electrical phenomena, have to be explained, for they are merely apparent, secondary qualities, while experienced extensions and durations do not need any explanations, any physical or natural geometry, for they are the real and objective primary qualities.' Ts has these crossed out, with the subsequently published changes handwritten in.
pt 71, subheading. `The Canon of Selection.' is added by hand in ts.
pt 72, subheading. `The Restriction to Sensible Data.' is added by hand in ts.
pt 73, subheading. `What are Sensible Data?' is added by hand in ts.
pt 73, line 2 (ts 113): ts had, `A more urgent issue is raised by the question, What are essential data?' This is changed by hand in ts.
pt 73, line 7 (ts 113): ts had, `Nor is this true merely by ordinary perceptions'. This is changed by hand in ts.
pt 74, line 7 (ts 114): What appears in published version is crossed out in ts and replaced by: `Still there are differences in such developments and to this fact the scientist alludes . . . "
pt 74, line 12 (ts 115): ts had `None the less' rather than `Still', but this is changed by hand in ts.
pt 74, subheading: `The Canon of Operations.' is added by hand in ts.
pt 75, line -19 (ts 117): ts had `Inversely' for `Hence', but this is changed by hand in ts.
pt 76, subheading: `The Canon of Relevance.' is added by hand in ts.
pt 77, line -14 (ts 120): ts had `I am confronted with the sociology of the division of labor and psychology of the motivation ...' This is changed by hand in ts.
pt 77, line -4 (ts 121): ts had `different equations'. This is changed by hand in ts.
pt 78, line 14 (ts 121): ts had `may, in fact, or may not be.' This is changed by hand in ts.
pt 78, subheading. Ts adds `The Canon of Parsimony.' by hand.
pt 79, subheading. Ts adds `Classical Laws.' by hand.
pt 79, line 14 (ts 123): ts adds `or explanatory' by hand.
pt 80, line 3 (ts 124): ts adds `(or explanatory)' by hand.
pt 81, line 3 (ts 125): at *, ts has `(See ).', with `Chapter VIII' added by hand in margin.
pt 81, -17 (ts 126): ts has `towards the goal of the natural sciences or of cognitional theory.' And here `the' is added by hand.
pt 82, subheading. Ts adds `Statistical Laws.' by hand.
pt 84, subheading. Ts adds `The Canon of Complete Explanation.' by hand.
pt 84, line 14 (ts 131): ts had `When we distinguished ...' but changes by hand `When' to `Where'.
pt 87, subheading. `The Notion of Abstraction.' is added by hand in ts. Note: This is not true of the two earlier subheadings in section 6, which seem to be in a later typed version than most of the remainder of the chapter, which contains the subheadings in typed form in the text.
pt 89, line 11 (ts 139): ts had `that we affirm classical laws to be abstract, and it is in this sense that a canon of statistical residues cuts a middle path between determinism and indeterminism.' This is changed by hand in ts, but not to the form that appeared in the published text. Rather, it is changed to read, `that we affirm classical laws to be abstract, and it is in this sense that a canon of statistical residues transposes the issue of determinism or indeterminism. So far from being an impoverishment ...'
pt 89, subheading. ts adds by hand `The Abstractness of Classical Laws.'
pt 91, subheading. ts adds by hand `Systematic Unification and Imaginative Synthesis.' (First it had `Systematic Verification ...' but changed this.)
pt 93, line 4 (ts 145): ts had `... will not settle any particular matters of fact' and changes by hand `settle' to `include'.
pt 93, line 14 (ts 145): `not' is added by hand in ts.
pt 93, subheading. Ts adds by hand `The Existence of Statistical Residues.' and `Classical Laws Conditional.'
pt 93, line -9 (ts 145): ts adds by hand the words `nature of the'.
pt 95, line -4 (ts 145): ts adds by hand `in the general case'.
pt 94, subheading. Ts adds by hand `The Diverging Series of Conditions.'
pt 95, line 13 (ts 148): ts had `... the series always diverges.' `always' is changed by hand to `ordinarily.'
pt 95, line -7 (ts 149): ts has `traverses either different distances with equal speeds or unequal distances with equal speeds.' This is not changed in ts.
pt 96, line 21 (ts 150): ts has `from 1 to n' rather than `from 2 to n'. This is not changed in ts.
pt 96, line -6 (ts 151): ts had `Still it will be urged that world process as a whole may be systematic so that the total concrete pattern of all diverging series of conditions is in fact orderly' This is crossed out, and the version that appears in pt is substituted in typed form immediately after this.
pt 97, line 7 (ts 152): ts page begins `argued that classical laws ...' At the top of this page is the notation (typed) `[Delete pages 153-59 inclusive]'.
pt 97, -13 (ts 152): ts had `Finally, this restriction is contained ...' `is' is crossed out, and `seems' is substituted by hand.
pt 97, -10 (ts 152): ts had `and, verbumsapienti, only human insights can be so expressed.' `verbumsapienti' is crossed out, and `it would seem' is substituted by hand.
pt 98, subheadings. Ts adds by hand all subheadings on this page.
pt 98, line -8 (ts 161): ts had `... Newton's First Law of Motion, namely, distinct causes or grounds or reasons cannot be assigned for each of a non-countable infinity of differences. (See Chapter II, # 2.5)' From the comma after `Motion' to the end of the sentence, this is crossed out by hand, and a period is put after `Motion'.
pt 99, subheadings. Both subheadings on this page are added by hand in ts. This is not true of the subheading on p. 164, which in ts appears typed on the first of the three final pages of the chapter, all of which seem to have been done later than most of the pages in this chapter.
No transcription available.