Insight: Chapter 4
Sku: 35600DTE050
Archival Number: A356
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1950
Open 35600DTE050.pdf


Black carbon typescript of Chapter 4 of Insight. Pages numbered at the top by hand, 167-225, in type at the bottom, 129-187.  A few pages are not numbered at the bottom, and these seem to be from a later version, as in previous chapters.  Ts numbers referred to here are those at the top of the page.


pt 103, line 13 (ts 167): ts read, `Finally, from an examination of infinities and of limits, there was effected ...' The words `from ... limits,' are crossed out by hand in ts.


pt 103, line -8 (ts 168): ts omits `on which the concrete converges'.  Thus the sentence ends `intelligent anticipation of the systematic-and-abstract.'


pt 104, line -1 (ts 170): ts had `heuristic structures and empirical canons'.  This is changed by hand in ts to `heuristic structures and canons of method'.


pt 105, subheadings.  The subheadings on this page are added by hand in ts.


pt 105, line -8 (ts 171): the words 1on the other hand, is to be accounted for by showing how' were omitted in ts, and were added by hand.  (Did the typist simply skip a line?)


pt 108, subheading.  The subheading on this page is added by hand in ts.


pt 110, subheading.  The subheading on this page is added by hand in ts.


pt 111, subheading.  The subheading on this page is added by hand in ts.


pt 112, subheading.  The subheading on this page is added by hand in ts.


pt 112, line -2 (ts 183): ts had `constant and regularly varying proportion'.  `and' is changed by hand to `or'. 


pt 114, line 5 (ts 185): ts had `that is no less explained'.  `explained' is changed by hand to `explanatory'.


pt 114, subheading.  The subheading of this page is added by hand in ts.


pt 114, line -9 (ts 186): ts had `and the equality of other things amounts ...' Changed by hand to `and the failure to specify the other things amounts ...'


pt 115, subheadings.  The subheadings on this page are added by hand in ts.


pt 117, line 7 (ts 190): the words `inasmuch ... relatively invariant,' are added by hand.  I suspect the typist simply skipped them.


pt 117, line -11 (ts 190): ts had `not only squares this broad fact'.  `with' is added by hand after `squares'.


pt 118, subheading.  The subheading on this page is added by hand in ts.


pt 120, subheading.  The subheading on this page is added by hand in ts.


pt 121, subheading.  The subheading on this page is added by hand in ts.


pt 125, subheading.  The subheading on this page is added by hand in ts.


P. 126, line 19 (ts 205): The first sentence of #4 originally read: `The increasingly systematic character of world process is assured.' `is' is crossed out in ts, `can be' is substituted by hand.


pt 127, line 13 (ts 206): `entails' was in ts `entrains'.  This is changed by hand in ts.


pt 128, subheading.  The subheading on this page is added by hand in ts.


pt 129, subheading.  The subheading on this page is added by hand in ts.


pt 129, line 14 (ts 209): ts originally read, `and such intervention is a mere coincidence that can be traced back to earlier coincidences.  From the earlier ...'  This is changed by hand in ts to the form found in pt.


pt 130, subheading.  The subheading on this page is added by hand in ts.


pt 131, line 4 (ts 212):  ts had `Further, the further determinations which would be ...'  `Further' is changed in ts to `For him,' and a comma is placed by hand after `determinations'.


pt 131, line 11 (ts 212): ts had `cannot occur'. This is changed by hand to `cannot but occur'.


pt 132, subheading.  There is no title to the subheading, either typed or written in, in ts.


pt 134, (ts 218): last paragraph of 3.3 does not appear in ts, but instead there is the following paragraph: `Darwinism would indicate the necessity of such a further development. Accordingly, if a satisfactory notion of the thing can be reached, there will arise the following questions. Are things potential components for ranges of schemes of recurrence? Are they variable in these potentialities? Are such variations of potentiality capable of transmission? Is there a series of combinations of transmissible variations of potentiality? Are there the appropriate, successive schedules of probabilities for the emergence and the survival of the series of combinations of transmissible variations of potentiality? Finally, if these questions can be answered affirmatively, can these affirmations rest on general, methodological grounds?'


pt 134 (ts 218): Change of type ribbon at 3.4, which is pasted over an earlier beginning of this section.  The earlier read: `Nineteenth century physicists were prone to regard Darwinism as the triumph, in the field of biology, of their own mechanistic view of world order. So far from suspecting that a new type of scientific explanation had been introduced, they took it for granted that Darwin's chance variations were but another name for mechanical processes too complex to be stated in detail. (par) In this fashion the crisis in the world view, immanent in scientific methodology, was postponed from the nineteenth century to the twentieth. It fell, not to biology, but to the invasion of physics itself by Relativity and by Quantum Mechanics, to force a radical revision of scientific outlook.  Moreover, since the immediate result of a crisis'.  What is pasted over this is 3.4 from the beginning to what appears in pt, page 135, line, `parallel disclosure of'.  The remaining pages of the ts except for the last are a later version, with no page numbers given at the bottom of the page.


pt 137, line -5 (ts 222): ts had 1 sole limit to the accuracy of predictions. (par) Sixthly, it may be argued that determinism must be true or false and that we are dodging the issue.  But every' This is crossed out by hand in ts (bottom of page 222) and page 223 gives the end of the paragraph and the beginning of the `Sixthly' paragraph as they appear in pt.


pt 139, line 15 (ts 225): ts had `inverted' for `inverse'. This is changed by hand in ts.


pt 139, line -6 (ts 225): at `affirm an indeterminism' there is a pencilled marginal note `weakest point so far' followed by initials.

Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran


No transcription available.