Insight: Chapter 5
Sku: 35700DTE050
Archival Number: A357
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1950
Open 35700DTE050.pdf


Chapter 5 of Insight.  Typescript of chapter 5 of Insight.  Typescript is black carbon paper, with pages from two versions, as with previous chapters.  The pages are numbered by hand at top, 226-286, and a typed number appears at the bottom of some of the pages (188-248).  The references here are to the numbers at the top of the page. 


pt 140, subheading 1.1.  The title of subheading 1.1 is added by hand in ts.


pt 141, subheadings.  The subheadings on this page are added by hand in ts.


pt 142, subheading 2.1  The title of subheading 2.1 is added by hand in ts.


pt 143, subheading.  The subheading on this page is added by hand in ts.


pt 146, line 6 (ts 235): ts originally had `was based in the special case', but there is an indication of a reordering, as in pt.


pt 150, subheading.  The subheading on this page is added by hand in ts.


pt 151, subheading.  The title of the subheading on this page is not given in ts.


pt 152, subheading.  The subheading on this page is added by hand in ts.


pt 154, line 13 (ts 248): ts read, `A fuller account will be attempted when we treat the notion of objectivity in Chapters 12 and 13.'  The sentence is changed to end with `objectivity'.


pt 155, subheading.  The subheading on this page is added by hand in ts.


pt 157, line -14 (ts 253): ts read `all the other concrete durations which we do not experience yet we do relate to the concrete durations that are experienced.'  This is changed by hand to the form found in pt.


pt 158, subheading.  The subheading on this page is added by hand in ts.


pt 159, line -2 of text (ts 257): Section 3.6 has in ts a title (handwritten): `The Principle at Issue.'


pt 160, line -13 (ts 258): ts reads as pt, but BL had written in `true motion' before `"really out there"', then had crossed out `true motion'.


pt 161, line 1 (ts 259): `value' was in ts `reference' but is changed by hand to `value'.


pt 169, line 14 (ts 273): ts had `it cannot be presumed that simultaneity is identical'. `simultaneity' is crossed out, and `that meaning' is substituted by hand.


pt 169, line 17 (ts 273): ts read, `it may be expected that simultaneity is analogous to such notions as "now" and "then."'  `that simultaneity is' is crossed out and `to be' is substituted by hand.  But `"then"' remains, is not pt 170, line -7 of text (ts 275): ts has a note at the end of what in pt is section 4: `[Delete pages 276 - 283; also delete added sheet to page 277] [Continue at page 284: #5. The Concrete Intelligibility ....]'  This is on one of the pages that appear to be subsequent to most of the pages of the typescript.

Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran


No transcription available.