Notes Schumpeter HEA
Sku: 35750DTE080
Archival Number: A3575
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1980
Open 35750DTE080.pdf
#1—BL’s notes titled “HEA Part IV, Chapter 7: Equilibrium Analysis.” Re: Outline of chapter (1 page, typed).
#2—Two photocopies of #1.
#3—BL’s notes titled “Equilibrium-Economic analysis: static or dynamic. Economic process: stationary, growing, evolving.” (2 pages, stapled).
#4—BL’s notes [? Typed on a different typewriter] titled “HEA, Equilibrium Analysis.” (4 pages, stapled).
#5—BL’s notes titled “Competition: Abstract Theory and Effective Reality—Schumpeter 974 f.” (3 pages, stapled).
#6—BL’s notes titled “IX Notes re Walrus” (3 pages, typed, stapled).
#7—BL’s notes titled “Walras’ Transition from numeraire to money: HEA 1020-26.”
#8—BL’s notes titled “HEA 1048 f: Marshall’s Normal Rate of Profit” (1 page, typed). Note: does not appear to be typed on BL’s usual typewriter.
#9—BL’s notes titled “Schumpeter, Hist Econ Anal, Part IV, ch. 7, #8” (1 page, typed).
#10—BL’s notes titled “From HEA on Utility, 1053-69.” (5 pages, stapled). Note: does not appear to be typed on BL’s usual typewriter.
#11—BL’s notes titled “The Limitations of the Barter Economy.” (1 page, typed).Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran
No transcription available.