More Schumpeter notes
Sku: 35770DTE080
Archival Number: A3577
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1980
Open 35770DTE080.pdf
#1—BL’s notes titled “HEA, IV, ch. 8, Money, Credit, and Cycles”: note: not BL’s usual typewriter.
#2—photocopy of #1.
#3—BL’s notes titled “HEA, part IV ch 2 #8 pp. 1080 ff. 2. Analytic Work.” (3 pages, loose, typed). note: not BL’s usual typewriter.
#4—BL’s notes titled “HEA IV ch. 8 #7 Bank Credit and the Creation of Deposits” (2 pages, typed, loose). note: not BL’s usual typewriter.
#5—BL’s notes titled “HEA IV ch. 8 #8: Crises and Cycles: The Monetary Theories.” (2 pages, typed, loose). note: not BL’s usual typewriter.
#6—BL’s notes titled “HEA IV ch. 8, #9. Non-Monetary Cycle Analysis.” (8 pages, typed, loose). note: not BL’s usual typewriter.
#7—BL’s notes titled “Schumpeter, Hist Econ Anal, Part V, ch. 4, #1 Dynamics & Business Cycle Research.” (1 page, typed).
#8—BL’s notes titled “Schumpeter HEA 280 n. 6.” (1 page, typed).
#9—BL’s notes titled “XIII Schumpeter, Hist Econ Anal, Part V ch 5 #1 (3 pages, typed, stapled).
#10—BL’s notes titled “Joan Robinson, Economic Heresies, New York: Basic Books, 1971, 73. (“XIV” handwritten in margin) (2 pages, typed).Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran
No transcription available.