Insight: Chapter 6
Sku: 35800DTE050
Archival Number: A358
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1950
Open 35800DTE050.pdf
Blue carbon of Chap. 6 of Insight. (Several pages black carbon). Pages are numbered at the top, handwritten beginning 287, but black carbon pages are not numbered in hand; typed numbers begin with 1, but black carbon page numbers are in sequence with the handwritten numbers on the blue carbon pages, ending with 348. References here follow the combined numbering 287-348.
pt 173 title (ts 287): The typed title is COMMON SENSE. Added by hand is, AS AND ITS SUBJECT.
pt 173, end of prefatory material (ts 288): the following appears in ts, crossed out. 'The present two chapter chapters on common sense falls fall into three main sections. In the first the parallel between empirical science and common sense is examined. In the second and third, attention is drawn to fundamental differences. While empirical science seeks the relations of things to one another, common sense is content to know the relations of things to us. Despite its deceptive simplicity, this undertaking is ambiguous. Not only is the development of common sense a change in us, but also common sense is practical and devotes itself to changing the things related to us. While empirical science endeavors to grasp the relations between the fixed natures of things, common sense seeks to relate two variables and, by that very effort, brings about their variation. Accordingly, the second section of this chapter examines the subjective aspect of common sense, and the third section following chapter turns to the effects of common sense practicality.' Thus from this it is clear that L originally intended one chapter on common sense: He had at first written, 'The present chapter falls into three main sections,' then corrected it in hand to read, 'The two chapters on common sense . . .' And he originally had, ' . . . and the third section turns to the effects of common sense practicality.'
pt 175, line 19 (ts 292): in `From a spontaneous inquiry' ts shows the word "a" crossed out, but it remains in published text.
pt 175, line 22 (ts 292): ts had `there still arise', but this is changed by hand to `there will arise'.
pt 176, line -2 (ts 294): this paragraph had been run into the preceding in ts, but BL indicates in margin that a new paragraph should begin here.
pt 177, line 13 (ts 295): so too for the paragraph beginning `It follows ...'
pt 178, line 14 (ts 296): ts had `satisfied', but this is changed by hand to `satisfies'.
pt 178, line 21 (ts 297): The paragraph beginning `Common sense, on the other hand, ...' is run into the preceding in ts, but BL indicates in margin that a new paragraph should begin here.
pt 179, line 17 (ts 298): so too for the paragraph beginning in the same manner on this page.
pt 180, line 13 (ts 300): for 'movements' ts has 'shifts'. This is not changed in ts.
pt 181, line -6 (ts 303): ts originally had: `Still, such acts never occur by themselves, in isolation from one another, and quite apart from all other events.' The words, by themselves, and, quite apart, are crossed out by hand in ts, but the word, both, that appears in pt, is not added in ts.
pt 183, line 19 (ts 306): `narrow' is added in hand in ts.
pt 184, line 3 (ts 307): ts had `... organs, the mnemic, imaginative, ...' The word, mnemic, is crossed out in ts.
pt 184 (ts 309): The footnote appears on a separate sheet, in black carbon, and in the ts, there is an x at this point, with the following handwritten in the margin: x Foot-note added sheet.
pt 189, line -11 (ts 319): ts originally had: '... release them. To learn to walk is to learn to correlate psychic elements with bodily movements, and the human child takes a notable time to do so; yet precisely because walking is such a laborious acquisition, other acquisitions are equally possible. The initial plasticity ...' This is changed by hand in ts.
pt 190, line 15 (ts 320): the `of' before `the intensity' and again before `the healthiness' are added by hand in ts.
pt 194, line 3 (ts 327): the words, a systematization of, are added by hand in ts.
pt 194, line 8 (ts 328): At the end of this paragraph, the following sentence appears in ts, but is crossed out by hand: `It would seem to be ultimately the same phenomena that are named ambivalence by the Freudians, bipolarity by Stekel, and an alternation of opposites by Adler.'
pt 196, line 1 (ts 331): ts had `its functional significance.' The word, its, is changed to `a' by hand.
pt 196, line -18 (ts 332): for `unconscious' ts reads `neural', and the word is placed in brackets in very light red ink.
pt 196, lines -16 and -15 (ts 332): for `the direction of the stream of consciousness,' ts has `the immanent direction of the stream of consciousness'. This is not changed in ts.
pt 192, line -2 (ts 333): The title of this subsection was in ts, `The Main Problem'. This is changed by hand to `A Common Problem'.
pt 197, line 9 (ts 333): The paragraph, `However ...', is run into preceding in ts, but BL indicates by hand in margin that a new paragraph should begin here.
pt 197, line -14 (ts 334): So too for the paragraph, During the course ...
pt 198, line -14 (ts 335): ts had `the relief of the organization afforded by the dreams ...' This is changed by hand in ts, where `of the organization' is crossed out.
pt 198, line -8 (ts 336): The paragraph, `This basic mechanism ...' is run into the preceding paragraph in ts, but BL has a note in margin indicating a new paragraph is to begin here.
pt 199, line 8 (ts 336): So too for the paragraph beginning `Again, there is ...'
pt 199, line 13 (ts 336): the word, moral, does not appear in ts.
pt 199, line 15 (ts 337): The words, `an adaptation of feeling to moral judgment but also by' are written in at the top. It would seem simply that the typist missed a line.
pt 199, line -12 (ts 337): In ts, the opening paragraph of 2.7.6 reads: 'In his History of the Psychoanalytic Movement, Freud prefaced his indictment of the secessionists, Adler and Jung, with the statement that he had always asserted that repressions and the sustaining resistance might involve a suspension of understanding. But where Freud recognized a consequence, we have seen an antecedent. Our study of the dramatic bias begins from the flight from insight, and, rather systematically, it has led us to repression and inhibition, the slips of waking consciousness and the function of dreams, the aberrations of religions and morality and, as a limit, the psychoneuroses. Naturally, there arises the question whether any specialists in the field of abnormal disorders provide us with confirmatory evidence on the connection between repression and a refusal to understand'. The word, might, in the first sentence is not underlined. And the first sentence in the next paragraph (originally run into the preceding, but specified by hand as a new paragraph) reads, `An affirmative answer is offered by Dr. Wilhelm Stekel's Technique of Analytic Psychotherapy (The Bodley Head, London, 1939).'
pt 201, line 1 (ts 339): ts has, `Just as the root of the disorder is a refusal lto understand, so its cure is an insight ...' This is not changed in ts.
pt 201, line 10-11 (ts 339): ts had `without an abreaction of aberration.' This is changed by hand in ts to `a change in sensitive spontaneity.'
pt 202, line 18 (ts 340): ts has `but also a genetic factor in psychogenic disorder?' This is not changed in ts; the word, regular, does not appear, but in its place the word, genetic.
pt 204, line 1 (ts 343): ts has `forced ambiguity upon his work.' This is not changed in ts.
pt 204, line 9: the ts originally had: '... assumes a significance that Freud himself could not suspect.' The present form, `assumes a profound significance', is introduced into ts by hand.
pt 204, line 19 (ts 344): ts had, `... are attributed to imagined atoms or aether'. The present form, `... are attributed to atoms or aether as imagined', is introduced into ts by hand, but in such a way that it would seem BL did not intend a comma after `aether'.
pt 205, line 1 (ts 345): `construct' was originally 'construction'. Change made by hand in ts.
pt 205, lines 5-7 (ts 345): `determinism' was originally 'determination'. Correction made by hand in ts.
pt 205, line 9 (ts 345): `non-systematic' originally read, 'only probable'. Correction made by hand in ts.
pt 205, line 12 (ts 345): paragraph in ts originally continued here. In ts the footnote is pasted over what the ts originally had at this point, and as far as I can make it out the original read: `...from psychology. There is a more momentous consequence. For the acknowledgment of statistical laws gives a new status to the science of psychogenic health and psychogenic illness. Neural determinants settle not unique psychic events but sets of psychic alternatives. Psychic determinants acquire an independent function of selecting between neurally determined alternatives. It becomes possible to conceive two distinct sets of schemes of recurrence, one conscious and the other non-conscious, where each set follows its own classical and statistical laws yet through ...' That more has been changed here is apparent both from the fact that the next page does not continue this paragraph, and from the fact that the next page and the two following it are in black carbon, and are similar to those in earlier chapters that seemed to represent a later version of the typescript.
Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran
No transcription available.