Insight: Chap. 7
Sku: 35900DTE050
Archival Number: A359
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1950
Open 35900DTE050.pdf
Typescript of Insight, chapter 7. All in blue carbon. Pages are numbered at the top, by hand, 349-411, and in type, 1-63. Numbering here follows the handwritten numbers.
pt 207 (ts 349): This chapter was originally a part of a longer chapter on common sense containing both of the chapters now in the published text. This part was entitled `The Objective Field of Common Sense'. In ts there appears at the beginning `Common Sense (Continued.)' `(Continued.)' is crossed out, and next to `Common Sense' there is added in hand `As Object'. And in the margin there is typed, INSIGHT CHAPTER VII. The original title of this part is crossed out by hand.
pt 207, line 8 (ts 349): ts originally read, `... for the sake of the alleged pleaure'. The word, alleged, is crossed out in ts.
pt 207, subheading (ts 350): The number, 1, is added by hand in margin in ts.
pt 208, line 10 (ts 351): ts originally had, `... complement the old not only to suggest ...' The words, not only, are crossed out by hand.
pt 209, subheading (ts 353): The number, 2, is added by hand in margin in ts.
209, line -4 (ts 354): ts originally read, `... machinery of agreement of decision ...' The `of' before `decision' is crossed out, and `and' is written in by hand in its place.
pt 211, subheading (ts 357): The number, 3, is added by hand in margin in ts.
pt 214, line 15 (ts 361): ts originally had `underwent', but this is changed by hand to `undergoes'.
pt 214, line 16 (ts 361): ts reads, `... and so, in any given present, all together present a united front ...' This is not changed in ts.
pt 214, subheading (ts 362): The number, 4, is added by hand in margin in ts.
pt 215, line 13 (ts 363): ts had `... there is operative in all ...' `is' is crossed out, and `are' is written in by hand.
pt 217, subheading (ts 366): The number, 5, is added by hand in margin in ts.
pt 218, line 14 (ts 368): ts had, `... there is a difference in level of activity ...' `the' is added by hand before `level'.
pt 218, subheading (ts 369): The number, 6, is added by hand in margin in ts.
pt 221, line -13 (ts 373): ts had `... commonly broader in their regard for others than in intelligent selfishness.' `in' is crossed out before `intelligent', and `is' is written in in its place.
pt 222, subheading (ts 374): The number, 7, is added by hand in margin in ts.
pt 223, line 13 (ts 376): Sentence `However' originally read: `Accordingly, the practical common sense of a community may be a single whole, but its parts ... ' Changes introduced by hand in ts, corresponding to those in pt.
pt 225, subheading (ts 380): The number, 8, is added by hand in margin in ts.
pt 226, subheading (ts 381): The number, 8.1, is added by hand in margin in ts.
pt 228, subheading (ts 385): The number, 8.5, is added by hand in margin in ts.
pt 229, line 11 (ts 386): ts read, `the realization'. `the' is crossed out, and `a' is added by hand in its place.
pt 229, line -4 (ts 387): `can easily' was `easily can' but changed by hand in ts.
pt 231, line -14 (ts 390): `church' and `state' not capitalized in ts. Same for `state' on 232, line 2. These are not changed in ts.
pt 232, subheading (ts 391): The number, 8.3, is written by hand in margin in ts.
pt 234, par `As there ...' (ts 394): some of the commas we would put in appear in ts and not in pt.
pt 234, subheading (ts 395): The number, 8.4, is written by hand in margin in ts.
pt 235, line 7 (ts 395): The paragraph, However ..., is run into preceding in ts, but BL indicates in margin that a new paragraph is to begin here.
pt 236, line 13 (ts 397): ts had `... intelligent emergent probability that emerges in the ...' `emerges' is crossed out, and `arises' is written in in its place.
pt 236, subheading (ts 398): The number, 8.5, is written by hand in margin in ts.
pt 237, line -6 (ts 399): ts had `counterweighted' for `counterbalanced', but this is corrected by hand in ts.
pt 238, line 10 (ts 400): first appearance of 'cosmopolis'--ts has in margin, `lower case "c" here & later'. These changes are made through the remainder of the chapter--typed version capitalized the word, but BL changes to lower case.
pt 238, subheading (ts 400): The number, 8.6, is written by hand in margin in ts. `COSMOPOLIS' was in upper case; this is crossed out and `Cosmopolis' is written in by hand.
pt 242, subheading (ts 407): The number, 9, is written by hand in margin in ts.
pt 242, beginning of section 9 (ts 407): Some changes are made in ts in light of dividing the treatment of common sense into two chapters. Original, changed by hand in ts, read: `In the first section there was worked out the parallel between common sense and empirical science; both are developments of intelligence. In the second and third sections, attention ...'
pt 243, end of par `Our account ...' (ts 408): ts originally read: `... succeed in hitting off the thought of the average man, as would Newman, the problem of his affects, as would Freud, and the dialectic of his history, as would a higher synthesis of liberal and Marxist thought'. The `as' clauses are crossed out by hand.
pt 243, line -10 (ts 409): reference is made to `the present chapter', when in fact what he is talking about has been covered in the two chapters on common sense--this was not changed when he moved to a division of the materials into two chapters.
Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran
No transcription available.