Insight: Chapter 9
Sku: 36100DTE050
Archival Number: A361
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1950
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Typescript of Insight, Chapter 9. Pages numbered at the top, by hand, 453-464, in type 1-12. The pages are numbered in type at the bottom as well, 1-12. Carbon is black, not the blue found on most of the pages in this typescript of Insight. And the black seems to be the earlier black carbon, not the later one (see above regarding two different black carbon versions). Numbering here follows the handwritten numbers in ts.
pt 271, line -10 (ts 453): `may' is put in pencilled brackets in ts, and pencilled in above it (BL?) are the words, `perhaps will'.
pt 272, line -9 (ts 455): ts had `... we may now attempt ...' This is changed by hand in ts to `... we next attempt ...'
pt 273, line 12 (ts 456): The phrase, `in the chapter on comon sense', was in ts, `in the section on data, images, and precepts' [sic]. The change to what is in the book is made by hand in ts.
pt 274, line 14 (ts 458): the word, chapter, was originally `section'. Change made by hand in ts.
pt 277, line 5 (ts 462): Sentence, Their insights, originally read: `Their insights are grasps of concrete unities, of systematic regularities, or of ideal frequencies diverging non-systematically from the systematic.' Changes by hand in ts to what appears in pt.
pt 277, line -19 (ts 463): The word, when, was in ts, once. Changed in ts by hand.
Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran
No transcription available.