Insight, Chapter 11
Sku: 36300DTE050
Archival Number: A363
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1950
Open 36300DTE050.pdf


Typescript of Insight, Chapter 11.


Written at top of first page (ts 525): `Part II: Insight as Knowledge. Chapter XI'. Pages are numbered at top, typed 1-44, hand 525-568, bottom, typed, 74-117.  We follow here the numbers entered by hand at the top of the page.


pt 319, line 1 of text (ts 525): `analysed' is changed by hand in ts to `analyzed'.


pt 320, line 4 (ts 526): section title is added by hand in ts.


pt 320, line -11 (ts 527): sentence, `For, after all,' in ts originally read, `For, after all, there may well exist other readers that resemble the writer and find that looking into themselves yields results that, if not just blank, are clearly very dim.' Changes by hand in ts.


pt 321, line 5 (ts 528): `of' is added by hand in ts.


pt 321, line 16 (ts 528): `is' is omitted in ts, which reads, `the acts would be unconscious as the growth of one's beard.'


pt 322, line 1 (ts 529): section title added by hand in ts. Paragraph originally began, `Thirdly, by consciousness ...' Changes by hand in ts.


pt 322, line -18 (ts 530): `commands' was in ts `yields'. Changed by hand in ts.


pt 323, line 4 (ts 531): paragraph break made by hand in ts.


pt 324, line 6 (ts 532): no paragraph break in ts.


pt 324, line -3 (ts 533): section title added by hand in ts.


pt 326, line 1 (ts 535): section title added by hand in ts.


pt 326, line -15 (ts 536): `its' was in ts `it'.  Changed by hand in ts.


pt 326, line -7 (ts 536): `By an experiential fulfilment' is in ts `By such experiential fulfilment'. No change is made in ts.


pt 327, line 13 (ts 537): `neither' was in ts `not'.  Changed by hand in ts.


pt 327, line 20 (ts 537): `or the' was in ts `and'.  Changed by hand in ts.


pt 328, line 6 (ts 538): section title added by hand in ts.


pt 328, line 7 (ts 538): in ts period, not comma, after `issue'. Not changed in ts.


pt 328, line 14 (ts 539): no quotes around `I' in ts.


pt 328, line 19 (ts 539): `neither' was `not' in ts. Changed by hand in ts.


pt 328, line -6 (ts 539): `a knower' is added by hand in ts.


pt 329, line 1 (ts 540): section title added by hand in ts.


pt 329, line 18 (ts 540): `sceptic' is `skeptic' in ts.  So too for other instances.


pt 330, line 18 (ts 542): `the wonder' is in ts `that wonder'.  Changed by hand in ts.


pt 331, line 12 (ts 543): paragraph break by hand in ts.


Same: `as is sense' is in ts `as in sense'. Changed by hand in ts.


pt 331, line 16 (ts 543): `than it is' is in ts `than it was'. Changed by hand in ts.


pt 331, line -2 (ts 544): paragraph break by hand in ts.


pt 332, line -3 (ts 546): There is no section title at all in ts.


pt 333, line 19 (ts 546): paragraph break by hand in ts.


pt 334, line 9 (ts 548): In ts, `If one starts from the data of sense, one begins by describing but goes on to explain.  Again, if one starts from the data of consciousness, one begins by describing and goes on to explain.' Changed by hand in ts.


pt 335, line -14 (ts 550): `I am not contending here and now' is in ts `I do not mean'.  Changed by hand in ts.


pt 335, line -7 (ts 550): No section title at all in ts.


pt 336, line -17 (ts 551): section title added by hand in ts.


pt 338, line -11 (ts 554): `prior' is added by hand in ts.


pt 339, line 3 (ts 555): section title added by hand in ts.


pt 340, line -16 (ts 557): `perhaps' added by hand in ts.


pt 342, line 19 (ts 560): section title added by hand in ts.

Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran


No transcription available.