Insight, Chapter 15
Sku: 36700DTE050
Archival Number: A367
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1950
Open 36700DTE050.pdf
Typescript of Insight, chapter 15, almost all in blue carbon. Pages numbered at top, typed 1-99, by hand 699-797.
pt 434, fn (ts after 704): the final paragraph of the footnote does not appear in the ts.
pt 436, line 10 (ts 707): ts read, `But in its term no less than in its development ...' Changed by hand in ts.
pt 436, line 13 (ts 707): ts read, `for change is not the substitution of one datum for another, nor is it the replacement ...' Changed by hand in ts.
pt 439, line -13 (ts 713): ts read, `... relating to higher forms.' Changed by hand in ts.
pt 441, line 8 (ts 715): in ts `higher' is changed to `high'. This change does not appear in published text.
pt 441, line -14 (ts 716): ts read: `It is bound to be nuanced; and so it can have no doubt about central and conjugate potencies, forms, and acts, yet it can be content ...' Changed by hand in ts.
pt 444, line 7 (ts 721): ts read, '... and to conceive mass a conjugate form as implicitly defined ...' Changed by hand in ts.
pt 447, line -15 (ts 727): ts read, `predications'. Changed by hand in ts.
pt 448, line -3 (ts 729): ts read, `... will outnumber far its successes'. Not changed in ts.
pt 451 (ts 733): the paragraph, Lastly, is in black carbon, so presumably was added later. The Aristotelian principle was first written, archê tês kinêseôs (in GK) then changed. And the final phrase was, principium motus in eo in quo est primo et per se. The last 4 words are crossed out by hand.
pt 456, line 9 (ts 742): `neither' was `not' in ts. Changed by hand.
pt 464, line -14 (ts 757): ts read, '... there have to be constructed ...' Not changed in ts.
pt 468 (ts 764): in both cases of enumeration, the ts has no comma before the `and' that joins point 1 with point 2.
pt 470, line -3 (ts 768): `matters' was `things' in ts. Changed by hand in ts.
pt 471, line -7 (ts 770): `a' is added by hand in ts before 'living'.
pt 473, line -12 (ts 773): ts read, `... for him to make or permit ...' Changed by hand in ts.
pt 473, line -6 (ts 773): `a' is added later in ts.
pt 473, line -2 (ts 774): ts read, `... discovered or invented, approved and accepted or disdained and repudiated'. Changed by hand in ts.
pt 474, line -8 (775): `it' is not capitalized in ts.
pt 484, line 20 (ts 793): ts reads, `... through the dialectical duplication and opposition of the notions of the real ...' Changed by hand in ts.
pt 485, line -17 (ts 795): ts read, `... structures, but they must be discovered ...' Changed by hand in ts.
pt 485, line -4 (ts 795): ts read, '... sciences, then the notion ...' Not changed in ts.
Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran
No transcription available.