De Sacramentis in Genere
Sku: 37000DTL040
Archival Number: A37
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): Latin
Decade: 1940
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Wrapper (A38) is a page of footnotes to Gratia operans arts.:iii) with notation outside in BL's hand: De sacra. in Gen [Suppl Lonergan De Bapt Conf.] In Catalogue of Lonergan papers, F.E.Crowe writes: "The above my title [De Sacramentis in genere. Plus: L's De materia confirmationis.] . . . I think L. used this codex, author and date not given, for sacraments in genere, but I think also he write 'De Bapt Conf' by mistake for 'De materia Conf. But I had removed this Lonergan material on Sept. 16, 1955, and did not make a note at the time of this possible error. At least, I removed one copy of it, for the De materia conf. of L. is still there in its proper place."
Thus, codex used by L. (probably) in teaching sacraments. Pp. 1-60 in due order, theses on sacraments, with L's notations. Then pp. 41-56 repeated without notes, but L's "Supplementum: De materia confirmationis" pp. 1-4 is substituted in place of 57-60. Pp. 61-102: 12 theses in due order, with L's handwritten notations. Then pp. 1-14 on different typewriter, three theses (14-16) on confirmation, with BL's handwritten notations.
Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran
No transcription available.