Insight, Chapter 19
Sku: 37100DTE050
Archival Number: A371
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1950
Open 37100DTE050.pdf
Typescript of Insight, chapter 19. Numbered in type 1-94, in hand 1061-1154. Black carbon, most on reverse of Regiopolis stationery.
pt 635 (ts 1063): par `In a more general sense' ended in ts: `confined to the universe of proportionate being or can go beyond it to the realm of transcendent being; and by transcendent being one may mean either a relatively transcendent which may be beyond man, or an absolutely transcendent which would be beyond everything else and the ultimate objective in the process of going beyond.' The present ending is pasted over the first in ts. The next par began in ts (1064), `Clearly, this process of going beyond, despite the imposing name of transcendence, is ...' changed in ts.
pt 637, line -12 (ts 1067): ts has comma after `level'; not changed.
pt 637, line -1 (ts 1068): the words, `tendencies and desires that go beyond any given level; they are the' are added by hand--seems to be a simple typo corrected by hand.
pt 642, line -3, to pt 643, line 19 (ts 1077): Page 1077 of ts, corresponding to 642, -3 to 643, 19, was on reverse of Gregorian stationery, as contrasted with most pages, on reverse of Regiopolis stationery. That this represents a rewriting is confirmed by the fact that the top of p. 1078 has a crossed out completion of an earlier but now rejected paragraph: `understanding of everything about everything'.
pt 645, line 14 (ts 1081): `the many' was `they' in ts; changed by hand.
pt 647, line 15 (ts 1084): the word, `it', is omitted in ts, not added by hand.
pt 647, line -14 (ts 1085): `is not' is in ts `was not'; not changed by hand.
pt 648, lines 17-19 (ts 1086): ts read, `but the content of the unrestricted act is the idea of being, and so if the unrestricted act is the idea of being, and so if the unrestricted act understands itself ...'; the repeated words are crossed out by hand.
pt 648, line -5 (ts 1087): ts read, `are what also is grasped'; changed by hand in ts.
pt 651, line 9 (ts 1091): the words, `premise into another or by combining abstract premises', are added by hand; again correcting a typo, it seems.
pt 651, line -4 (ts 1093): `structure' was in ts `bridge'; corrected by hand.
pt 653, line -10 (ts 1096): `are' is added by hand in ts.
pt 654, line 12 (ts 1097): ts had, `assign the less respective numbers'; `less' crossed out by hand.
pt 656, line 15 (ts 1101): ts has, `... random; if none are fulfilled simply at random, then all are fulfilled in accord with some examplar;' none of this is changed in ts, though the words, `if none are fulfilled simply at random', were added by hand.
pt 657, line 7 (ts 1102): `a' is added by hand in ts, and in pencil (most of the other changes are in ink).
pt 657, line 19 (ts 1103): `an' is added by hand in ts.
pt 658, lines 2-5 (ts 1104): the sentence, `The present section ...' is not in ts, either typed or by hand.
pt 658, line 14 (ts 1104): `therefore' was in ts `so'; changed by hand.
pt 658, line -17 (ts 1104): sentence `For the primary being ...' reads `For the primary being is identical with what is grasped by the unrestricted act, and so the primary being has all the perfection grasped by the unrestricted act.' Not changed in ts.
pt 658, line -7 (ts 1105): ts read, `But the primary intelligible also is the primary truth and being and the primary good'; changed by hand.
pt 658, line -4 (ts 1105): ts had `of loving and the primary good'. Changed by hand.
pt 659, line 6 (ts 1105): `the' added by hand in ts.
pt 659, line 11 (ts 1106): ts had `the primary being is unconditioned.' Not changed by hand.
pt 659, line -12 (ts 1106): ts had `would not be primary intelligibles.' This we know is correct, and published text mistaken.
pt 660, line -2 (ts 1109): ts had, `... is grasped by us in grasping the generative principle of the series.' Changed by hand in ts.
pt 665, line -10 (ts 1117): `is designed' is in ts `are designed'; not changed.
pt 667, line 13 (ts 1120): ts had `there may be palliative and extenuating circumstances'; changed by hand.
pt 668, line -11 (ts 1123): ts has no question mark, but comma, after `What is being'; not changed in ts.
pt 669, line -13 (ts 1125): `four' is `three' in ts; not changed.
pt 669, line -6 (ts 1125): ts has `the Existenz or geworfen-in-der-Welt-sein of existentialist thought'; not changed.
pt 670, line -11 (ts 1127): the entire line is added by hand in ts; again, I think, correcting a typo.
pt 672, line 15 (ts 1130): ts has commas around `not an experience of God'. Not changed.
pt 673, line 15 (ts 1132): ts has no comma after `similarly'; not changed.
pt 674, line 12 (ts 1133): `incomplete, for it arises only in the self-expression of spiritual intelligibility. Again, spiritual intelligibility is' is added by hand in ts. Again, I think, correction of typo.
pt 675, line -2 (ts 1136): `the' before `unrestricted' is added by hand in ts.
pt 676, line 1 (ts 1136): `the' before `objective' added by hand.
pt 677, line 15 (ts 1139): `that forms are grasped by mind in images' is given in Greek in the ts; the Greek is not Aristotle's, but A's is given in the margin.
pt 677, line -3 (ts 1140): Paragraph, Thirdly, is indicated as a new paragraph by handwritten direction.
pt 680, line -13 (ts 1144): `and' is added by hand in ts.
pt 682, line -8 (ts 1148): ts read, `from the proportionate'; changed by hand.
pt 683, line 13 (ts 1149): `is' is added by hand.
pt 684, lines 11 and 12 (ts 1150): BL took out the commas around `which we have been following' but they remain in published text.
Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran
No transcription available.