Insight table of contents
Sku: 37900DTE050
Archival Number: A379
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1950
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A set of three pages of the same version of a table of contents of Insight. One of these is an original, the other two are photocopies. Much is written in by hand.
1 The typed subtitle is `A Study of Human Intelligence'. This is crossed out, and above it is written `An Essay in aid of Personal Appropriation of one's own Rational Self-Consciousness'.
2 Preface and Introduction are added by hand.
3 Chapter 1 is called `The Elements of Insight'.
4 Chapter 5 is called `Space, Time, and Measurement', though this is changed by hand to `Space and Time'.
5 Chapter 6 was called `Common Sense'. `... and its Subject' is added by hand.
5 Chapter 7 was called `Common Sense (con'd). The bracketed expression is crossed out by hand, and `as Object' is written in.
6 Part II was called `Insight and Knowledge.' Not changed.
7 The chapters of Part II were numbered I to VIII. The first 6 were changed by hand to XI to XI to XVI. VII and VIII remain, and the last two chapters and the epilogue are added by hand.
8 Chapter 14 was called `The Dialectic of Philosophy'. This is changed by hand to `The Method of Metaphysics'.
8 Chapter 16 was `Elements of Ethics', 17 was `Elements of Natural Theology', and 18 was `The Structure of History'. These are crossed out, and the titles we now have are written above. 19 and 20 (handwritten) have the titles of the published text.
9 Typed numbers are given for the starting pages of chapters 1 through 14. But these are crossed out, and different handwritten numbers are given instead. The handwritten numbers go to the end of the book. The last page number is `End - 1260', which is the last page of the batch III version.
Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran
No transcription available.