Insight table of contents for chapters 1-18
Sku: 38000DTE050
Archival Number: A380
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1950
Open 38000DTE050.pdf

A more complete table of contents of chapters 1 through 18 of Insight. Definitely from different versions. 1 through 14 seem to be of the same set (black original). 16 and 17 are blue carbon, typed in a different format. 18 is black carbon, typed on reverse of Regiopolis stationery, and again formatted differently from the first two sets. None is these is identical with any of the Tables of Contents in batch III, though the page numbers (at least the handwritten ones) correspond to those of the text in batch III. Much evidence that this is the basis of the quite similar Table of Contents in 347: the same headings and subheadings, but some of these are written in by hand.


No transcription available.