De Eucharistia
Sku: 39000DTL040
Archival Number: A39
Author: Unknown
Language(s): Latin
Decade: 1940
Open 39000DTL040.pdf


pp. 1-15 numbered in order; then 18 unnumbered pages; numbering resumes p. 37, and goes to 112 in order (where are 35-36?). Pp. 95-96 are in different type. Then pp. 108 in same type as 95-96, on essential constitutive of sacrifice of Mass. Last p. of whole collection has date, 24 mai, 1934.

May have been codex used by BL in teaching Eucharist. No handwritten notations. May be useful background for De notione sacrificii.

Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran


No transcription available.