Insight Chapter 8
Sku: 40700DTE050
Archival Number: A407
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1950
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Typescript of chapter 8 of Insight.
Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran


pt 245, l. 1 of section 1 (ts 2): ts originally read `The notion of the thing is reached through a type of insight that differs from the insights already examined.  For hitherto insight was concerned with'  This is crossed out, and what appears in pt is substituted.


pt 245, l. - 1 (ts 2): ts: `not directly in'


pt 247, l. 22 (ts 5): ts: `and new creation.'


pt 248, par. Further (ts 6): this paragraph originally began: `Further, things are said to exist.  Earlier we defined the event or occurrence by saying that it stood to the conjugate, as the "Yes" of judgment stands to the concept or definition.  In like manner, existence stands to the thing, as the "Yes" of judgment to the concept or definition'  This is crossed out, and what appears in pt is substituted.


pt 248, par. `May it be noted' (ts 7): this paragraph reads in ts: `May we note, once for all, that we shall employ the terms, "exist," "existence," in the foregoing sense.  When occasion arises to discuss existentialist philosophy, confusion will be avoided by using the German name, "Existenz," to denote the notion peculiar to that view.'


pt 251, l. 1 (ts 10): ts has `where the quotation marks denote the interference of some non-intelligent and non-rational factor.  some divergence ...'


pt 251, l. - 10 (ts 11): ts had `deception' for `appearance'; changed by hand


pt 252, l. 2 (ts 12) ts has `... mean by "thing" or "body", not so much an intelligible unity ...  but rather an ...'


pt 252, par `Both' (ts 13): ts has the following starts on this paragraph, all crossed out:

                        The two types of knowing both occur in man.  They are linked yet opposed.  They are modified by their own development.  In brief, they ground a dialectic whose advances and reversals, twists and turns, are conspicuous in the whole history of philosophy but, particularly, in modern philosophy.

                        Both types of knowing have their validity.  Elementary knowing possesses

                        Both types of knowing possess their validity.  It is not a matter of


pt 253, l. 18 (ts 14): ts has `for one is through intelligent and reasonable questions and answers, and the otheris not.'


pt 253, l. - 15 (ts 15): ts has `... the chapter on the Dialectic of Objectivity'


pt 253, l. - 6 (ts 15): ts has `... and reasonably affirmed.'


pt 254: ts does not have the footnote


pt 254, l. 4 (ts 15): ts does not have `sensitive'


pt 258, l. 12 (ts 21): ts does not have `that'


pt 258, l. - 16 (ts 21): ts: `But it one thing'


pt 258, l. - 14 (ts 21): ts has `defined solely by the lower conjugages also survive within the higher genus.  The argument for the possibility of the higher genus was that there occurred also survive.'


pt 259, l. - 13 (ts 23): ts had `given' for `higher'; changed by hand


pt 259, l. - 8 (ts 23): ts had `randon' for `non-systematic'; changed by hand


pt 259, l. - 5 (ts 23): ts has: `There exists some probability for a random occurrence of all any one of the events in the aggregate  for an isolated ...'


pt 259, l. - 1 (ts 23): ts had `random' for `non-systematic'; changed by hand


pt 260, l. 1 (ts 24): ts had `if there occur at random suitable aggregates'; changed by hand to what is in pt


pt 260, par. Further (ts 24): ts had the following, crossed out: `Further, it may be observed that the evolutionary postulate is a generalization of the old axiom, Materiae dispositae advenit forma.  Now that axiom rests on certain obvious facts of transformation, generation, and nutrition.  Hence, the generalization cannot be rejected outright, for in these an outright rejection of the generalization would conflict with known and accepted fact.'


pt 261, l. 2 (ts 25): ts had `but rather a hypothesis that'; changed in ts


pt 261, l. - 8 (ts 27): ts had `emergence' for `differentiation'; changed by hand


pt 261, l. - 5 (ts 27): ts had `... methodological.  It is not any particular theory to be established or refuted by  It serves to define a direction for investigation.  It does not involve any commitment to any of the particular theories or hypotheses that, up to the present time, have been propounded by such investigation  as a result of such investigation  It rests ...'


pt 263, l. 2 (ts 29): ts has `... things.  The higher genus of things, Tj, are the species of  contains the biological  The things ...'


pt 263, l. 12 (ts 29): ts has `... capacities for combination.  Now a basic condition of biological aggregates of chemical processes is that the processes avoid both the death of inertia and the disruption of explosive change.  combination...'


pt 263, l. - 12 (ts 30): ts has `successfully surmounted'


pt 263, par The third (ts 30): ts has the following, crossed out: `A third application of the key notion in explaining species relates higher conjugates, Cjm, Cjn, Cjo, ..., which define psychic events, to otherwise coincidental aggregates of neural events, Eijm, Eijn, Eijo, ... This relationship has been outlines already in discussing the biological pattern of experience and in connecting it with neural demand functions.'


pt 264, par In this fashion (ts 31): this paragraph is run into the preceding in ts


pt 264, l. - 5 (ts 32): ts has `... or animal; and none the less that further development has its basis, not in additional outer conditions or events, but in the realm of intelligible possibility.'


pt 266, l. - 16: ts: `built into'


pt 267, l. - 11 (ts 37): no `and' before `conception' in ts


pt 268, l. 3 (ts 35): ts has `... possesses a degree of freedom beyond the control of underlying materials.  freedom that is ...'


pt 269, l. 5 (ts 39): ts has `in multicellular formations'


pt 270, l. 6 (ts 40): ts has `the following chapters are directly.'  This is questioned in margin, asking whether it should read `directed.'  Ms B had `directed,' but this was changed by hand to `devoted.'