Insight chapter 9
Sku: 40900DTE050
Archival Number: A409
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1950
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Typescript chapter 9, manuscript A
Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran


pt 272, l. - 9 (ts 2): ts: `we may now attempt'


pt 273, par. `Our account'; this is run into preceding par. in ts.


pt 274, l. 12 (ts 2): ts has `This prior level was described in the section on consists in data, images, and percepts.'  Ms B changes to: `... was described in the chapters on common sense.'


pt 274, l. 19 (ts 2): ts had the start of another paragraph here, crossed out: `The reader may object to the use of the name, experience, in characterizing this  to denote this level in cognitional process.  When we speak of a man of experience, we mean one that not merely has led a rich and varied sensitive life but also has understood what was going on and acquired an ability to judge shrewdly and correctly.  Again, when Kant ...'


pt 274, top (ts 3): ts has the following, crossed out:

                        It will be useful to represent schemetically the three levels of cognitional process.

            Initial level: Data. Perceptual Images. Free Images. Utterances.

            Second level: Questions for Intelligence. Insights. Formulations.

            Third level: Questions for Reflection. Reflective Insight. Judgment.

            It will be observed that the question for intelligence, not as uttered in words nor even as formulated in concepts but simply as contained in the attitude of the inquiring mind, effects the transition from the initial to the second level.  Similarly, it is the question for reflection, simply as the attitude of the critical mind, that effects the transition from the second level to the third.  We note that an account of reflective insight is reserved to the next section.


pt 274, l. 14 (ts 4): ts has `section' for `chapter'


pt 277, l. 5 (ts 6): ts has `Their insights are grasps of concrete unities, of systematic regularities, or of ideal frequencies diverging non-systematically from the systematic.  Their judgments ...'


ts 277, l. - 19 (ts 6): ts has `once' for `when'