Insight Chapter 13
Sku: 41300DTE050
Archival Number: A413
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1950
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BL's typescript of chapter 13 of Insight, manuscript A
Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran
pt 375, the set of judgments (ts 1): ts has `not' for `neither'
pt 375, l. - 2 (ts 1): ts has `section' for `chapter'
pt 376, l. 8 (ts 1): ts: `to the list of objects that also are subjects.'
pt 377, l. - 16 (ts 2): ts: `... the correct affirmation, I am, and then he knows himself as being and as object. On the other hand, we contend that other judgments ...'
pt 378, l. 2 (ts 3): ts has: `... the interlocked field of conditions and conditioneds;' `conditions and conditioneds' is crossed out by hand, and in the margin there is written `conditioning and conditioned terms;'
pt 378, l. 8 (ts 3): ts has: `... the time at which he utters it. That Caesar crossed the Rubicon, is a contingent event that occurred at a particular place and time. The true affirmation of that event is an eternal, immutable, definitive validity Caesar's crossing ...'
pt 378, l. 9 (ts 3): ts has `in' for `at'
pt 379, l. 9 (ts 4): ts: `... has absolute objectivity, you can repeat the same truth only by employing the different ...'
pt 379, l. - 20 (ts 4): `as Zeno argued,' is added by hand in margin
pt 379, l. - 18 (ts 4): ts: `... is. If not, that space is nothing and to affirm ...'
pt 380, l. 3 (ts 4): ts had `along with other unconditioneds.' Changed by hand.
pt 380, l. - 9 (ts 5): ts: `and, on the other hand, meaningless or incoherent or illegitimate questions.'
pt 380, l. - 1 (ts 5): ts had: `... praise for Modern Science and an insecure resentment ...' Additions made by hand in margin.
pt 382, par. `Again' (ts 6): ts has the following crossed out here, before what appears in pt:
`Again, the field of the given is equally valid in all its parts. It must be valid in some parts, else, there could be neither inquiry nor reflection and so neither validity nor invalidity. But if it is valid in any part, it is equally valid in all; for all are equally given, equally unquestionable and indubitable, equally residual and diffuse. Moreover, were any part pronounced valid while others were regarded as invalid, some reason would have to be assigned, else the pronouncement would be arbitrary. But the given offers no reasons at all, and so it offers no reasons for a distinction between valid and so it itself cannot motivate such a pronouncement would be arbitrary. But any assignable reason is the product of intelligence and reflection working upon the given; it is not provided by the given itself; and so the given as given remains equally valid in all its parts.
`On the other hand, the given is differently significant in its different parts. In other words, it provides the materials for different inquiries yielding different judgments. Thus, there are the different departments of physics, chemistry, and biology, and each of these has its many sub-divisions. There are further parts of the given, such as illusions and hallucinations, neuroses and psychoses, that constitute the data for abnormal psychology. But all these differences of significance, though'
pt 382, l. - 9 (ts 7): ts: `Hence we are employing ...'
pt 383, l. - 2 (ts 8): ts: `on what really is objective'
pt 384, l. 1 (ts 8): ts: `for further ...'
pt 384, l. - 19 (ts 8): `on which' not in ts
pt 384, l. - 4 (ts 8): ts: `... objectivity. If inquiry and reflection, intelligence and reasonableness, have nothing to do with objectivity, which pertains properly to some disparate activity, then some experientialism or intuitionism would perhaps be the then there cannot be an objective answer to the question, What is objectivity? for on the supposition Only on ...'