Chapter 15 Insight
Sku: 41500DTE050
Archival Number: A415
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1950
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BL's typescript of chapter 15 of Insight

Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran


pt 433, par. `In subsequent ...' (ts 4): ts had an earlier start on this par., crossed out: `It will not be amiss to compare our definitions of potency, form, and act, with Aristotle's.  In his Metaphysics


pt 436, l. 10 (ts 8): ts has `its' for `their' (twice


pt 436, l. 13 (ts 8): ts has `for change is not the substitution of one datum for another, nor is it the replacement ...'


pt 438, l. - 5 (ts 12): ts: `... survive, for in general there is continuity from the lowest conjugate potency through its forms to its acts and coincidental manifolds of these acts provide the potency for


pt 441, l. 8: ts: `high' for `higher'


pt 441, l. - 14 (ts 17): ts: `... to be nuanced, and so it can have no doubt ....acts, yet be content ...'


pt 443, par. `An investigation' (ts 20): earlier version, crossed out: `An investigation of the notion of energy lies outside the scope of our inquiry, but it may not be amiss to indicate certain aspects that would favor placing its ground in prime potency.  The first of these is that the quantity of energy is not abstract but concrete.  For classical laws the the conjugate forms they  classical laws are abstract and so they yield only abstract knowledge of the conjugate forms which implicitly they define.   it is reached not by differentiating but by integrating, and as differentiation leads to the abstract, so integration leads to the concrete.  No one is surprised when an abstract notion is extremely general, but the quantity of energy is both extremely general and yet concrete.'


pt 444, l. 7 (ts 22): ts: `and to conceive mass as conjugate form as implicitly defined ...'


pt 447, par. `Thirdly' (ts 27): ts had earlier start, crossed out: `Thirdly, the directed dynamism of finality is not deductivist nor determinately normative, but an effectively probable realization of possibilities.  It is not deductivist, for accurate predictions suppose the functioning of schemes of recurrence, and the survival of such schemes is not'


pt 449, l. - 4 (ts 31): ts: `It is a view that squares with our conception of metaphysics, for it finds in the real, not only potency corresponding to experience and form corresponding to insight and act corresponding to judgment, not only conjugates corresponding to  our conception ...'


pt 450, par. `There remains' (ts 32): ts has earlier start, crossed out: `The objective ground of finality is to be placed, not in act, nor in form, but in potency.  For finality is potency as heading through form to act and through manifolds of act to higher forms and higher acts.  It is finality that the finality of potency for form and act that makes potency, form, and act constitute a unity.  On the other hand, act is the achievement towards which finality tends; form is the ground of laws that make achievement intelligibly secure;'


pt 450, par `It follows' (ts 33): ts has earlier start, crossed out: `It follows that potency is a tension of opposites.  For at once it is the ground of universal limitation, as we have seen, and'


pt 452, par. `Fifthly' (ts 36): ts has earlier start, crossed out: `Fifthly, the course of development is marked by increasing differentiation.  The initial integration in the initial manifold may be said, perhaps, to contain virtually or potentially all the subsequent differences

            by increasing differentiation.  If one pleases, one may say that later differences are contained potentially or virtually in the initial integration of the initial manifold.  But the point we are making is that actually they are not there.  If one attends simply to the facts on the successive stages of a development, then one is confronted by a movement from the generic towards the specific and one is inclined to say that an initial integration of a generic nature is gradually bringing about its own specific and individual differences.'


pt 453, l. - 17 (ts 37): ts: `a minor development'


pt 453, l. - 13 (ts 38): ts: `In virtue of this determination, there is not some single linked sequence of integrations but rather a set of alternative sequences  of this ...'


pt 455, l. 11 (ts 40): ts: `... different organisms with earlier members capable both of survival in rudimentary environments and, at the same time, of constituting    such that each earlier member will survive in the rudimentary environment and, at the same time, create the change of environment necessary for the emergence of later members   such that ...'


pt 456, l. 9 (ts 42): ts: `but it consists, not in neural tissues nor in neural ...'


pt 456, l. 11 (ts 42): ts: `... integrated perceptiveness, aggressive and affective responsiveness, capacities for memory, for imaginative projects, for skilfully and economicaly executed performance.  sets of ...'


pt 456, l. 13 (ts 42): ts: `... performance.  The distinction between the capacities and their neural basis is emphasized by the difference between the normal case of a single psychic integration and the abnormality of multiple personality which seems to repeat on the sensitive level something similar to the reproduction by division of unicellular living forms.  The development of the capacities may be witnessed in animals both in the differences between the functioning of the young and that of the mature and, again, in the effects of training and in experimentally provoked and tabulated instances of learning.  But because animal consciousness tends to be dominated by biological purpose, its development is apt to be modest, to follow closely the degree of neural differentiation,  While the ...'


pt 456, l. - 13 (ts 43) ts: `members'


pt 457, l. 10 (ts 44): ts: `... manifold.  Again, Freud's super-ego, which is a compound of preceptive symbols and submissive affects, anticipates by its finality, reflects by its subordinatio, and caricatures by its obsessive and expansive tendencies the judgments of rational consciousness on the conduct of a rational being. 

                        `A similar ...'


pt 458, l. 2 (ts 45): ts: `... successive sensitive integrations must not imitate, not the artist or mathematician or philosopher following out the logic of earlier positions, but rather the empirical scientist or the man of common sense  sensitive ...'


pt 461, l. 6 (ts 52): ts: `... regularities change.  It determines correlations and regularities, but any such determination is dated; it pertains to the organism, the psyche, the intelligence, not throughout the whole of its existence, but only at a given stage of its development; and so genetic method has its principal goal, not in mere accumulations of dated determinations, but in coming to understand the succession, the sequence, the development itself  change. ...'


pt 464, l. - 19 (ts 57): ts: `physiology with biochemistry and biophysics, but to effect the transition one has to acquire not only   not only must one acquire the needed knowledge of physics and chemistry   but also   and the consequent symbolic images of relevant physical and chemical processes but also  with biochemistry ...'


pt 464, l. - 14: ts: `there have to be constructed ...'


pt 466, l. - 14 (ts 60): ts: `... the meaning of comparative anatomy, comparative physiology, comparative morphology, comparative biophysics and biochemistry  of comparative study...'


pt 469, l. 10 (ts 64): ts: `Clearly, the further question is the higher system as operator   as the conceptual ...'


pt 470, l. 10 (ts 65): ts: `... static, organic, psychic, and intellectual  higher correlations pertain to systems on the move and, quite obviously, there results a problem of keeping the systems moving in step. ..results ...'


pt 470, l. - 3 (ts 67): ts has `things' for `matters'


pt 471, l. 6 (ts 67): ts: `... obtains a law of conscious effect an anticipated ...'


pt 471, l. 14 (ts 67): ts: `potentiality'


pt 471, l. - 6 (ts 68): ts: `Inter-subjectivity, companionship, the sharing of feeling in laughter and lamenting, the common purpose and cooperative achievement, the idle hours spent with those with whom one feels at home,

            subjectivity, companionship, the idle hours spent with those with whom one feels at home, play and art, the sharing of feeling in laughter and lamenting, the common purpose,

            subjectivity, ...'


pt 473, l. - 12 (ts 71): ts has `make or permit'


pt 473, l. - 1 (ts 72): ts: `discovered or invented, approved and accepted or disdained and repudiated.'


pt 476, l. - 4 (ts 76): ts: `... the subject as he is to be functioning more or less successfully in a different flexible circle of ranges of schemes of recurrence.  To move from the starting point in the present to the goal in the future is not to follow but to change the present mode of performance and behavior.  Against such change there stand arrayed all the inertial and conservative principles that make  a higher system ...'


pt 477, l. 10 (ts 77): ts: `... disinterested desire raising ever further questions and giving rise to answers under which I am subsumed as a particular instance.  desire raising ...'


pt 478, l. 18 (ts 79): ts: `... intelligent, reasonable.  As he develops, he moves from the relative dependence of childhood to the relative autonomy of maturity  reasonable.  Nor ...'


pt 478, l. - 14 (ts 79): ts: `... transcendence.  It provides subsequent development in the individual and in society with a vitiated starting point to make subsequent   To build uncritically honestly on that basis is to intertwine advance and aberration, progress and decline   Such a ...'


pt 478, l. - 13 (ts 80): ts: `of individual scotosis in the individual, of the bias of common sense, of basic philosophical differences, and of their prolongation in morals, natural and human science, in morals and religion, ...'


pt 479, l. - 12 (ts 82): ts: `issues'


pt 482, l. - 1 (ts 87): ts has `categorial', but there is a question in the margin as to whether it should be `categorical.'  Ms B has the latter, with no indications of any change from the former.


pt 484, l. - 19 (ts 89): ts: `duplication and opposition of the notions of ...'  This was changed in ms B.


pt 485, l. 7 (ts 90): ts: `Again, data may or may not admit systematization; and the successive stages of a changing system may or may not be related by a simple, besides ...'


pt 485, l. - 17 (ts 91): ts: `... structures, but they must be discovered, ...'  Changed in ms B.


pt 485, l. - 4 (ts 92): ts: `... sciences, then the notion ...'  Also in ms B.