Insight Chapter 18
Sku: 41800DTE050
Archival Number: A418
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1950
Open 41800DTE050.pdf
BL's typescript of chapter 18 of Insight. The introduction was obviously written after at least part of the rest of the chapter. Beginning with the third page, numbered 54 in type and 2 by hand, the first 41 pages continue with the running head, crossed out on some pages, Deepening of M. Beginning with page 95, the running head is P of E.
Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran
pt 530, l. - 2 (ts 68/2): `any single base'
pt 531, subheading: was originally numbered 6
pt 532, l. - 21 (ts 69): ts: `... and its clear emergence would consist in the experience of some cosmic dimension in man's feelings, emotions, sentiments from the nature of the case ...'
pt 532, l. - 12 (ts 69): ts: `... issue forth in exclamations, actions, rites, and speech. There results at least pragmatically a distinction between the sacred and the profane; and the sacred, as on the level of sense, is the field of mystery and of myth. in exclamations ...'
pt 535, par. Still: earlier start, crossed out: `Still, this conditioning of metaphysics by self-knowledge, and of self-knowledge by human development in practically all fields, by no means implies that self-knowledge and metaphysics are not attempted until a sufficient human development is attained. On the contrary, every human'
pt 536, par. `A long history': earlier start, crossed out: `The process is dialectical. It oscillates between the subject that is to be expressed and the community in and for which expression has a meaning. Subjects come into being through the community and subjects can express what they are'
pt 536, l. - 2 (ts 76): Originally this sentence began, `Ninthly,' in continuity with the eight points of section 1.1. 1.2 is a fuller exposition of the eighth point (hence the first word `For.'
pt 539, l. 8 (ts 79): ts: `His concern is for things as related to him. His explanation has to be explanation of things as related to him. He is ...'
pt 539, l. 12 (ts 79): ts: `... his own experience. Such, as we have seen, is the procedure of common sense. It is an inevitable procedure in all dealing with the concrete, the familiar, the immediate and, within that sphere, under the restriction of common sense interest to matters that make some palpable difference, it is a remarkably satisfactory procedure. But employ it beyond that limited sphere, and one generates a manifold of blunders'
pt 540, par. `There is': earlier start, crossed out: `Far more treacherous insidious is the refusal of the explanatory viewpoint when one attempts to understand man, his psychology, his literature, his politics, his religion, his historical development. Anthropomorphic projections can be discredited in the study of nature, for nature is not human. But a failure to distinguish between the precise content of insight and its experiential basis involves an identification of empathy with understanding.'
pt 540, par. `There is': first sentence reads: `There is as well the inverse fallacy.'
pt 540, l. - 13 (ts 82): ts: `But we cannot travel into the past. The data provided by historical documents and monuments yield concrete insights; further data gradually force us to correct our pre-conceptions and to approximate towards a grasp of the mentality of a different time into the past.'
pt 540, l. - 6 (ts 82): ts: `... culture. Nor is there any escape from such relativism until the effort to understand within a descriptive frame-work is dropped, until the explanatory viewpoint that deals with things as related to one another is adopted Nor ...'
pt 540, l. - 4 (ts 83): ts: `... only because it restricts itself to the things with which it is familari, and with which it deals concretely. Its success rests on the fact that its understanding guides action and that action guided by misunderstanding has palpably unpleasant results it is experimental;'
pt 541, l. - 12 (ts 84): ts: `... to the use of words, the study of rhetoric to the use of metaphor, the study of logic ...'
pt 541, l. - 10 (ts 84): ts: `... and what he knows inasmuch as he understands. Much less, can he be astute in eliminating anthropomorphism from his understanding of nature or sufficiently open to escape the dilemma of projecting his own viewpoints into his interpretation of others or else giving up entirely the attempt to understand them. knows inasmuch ...'
pt 542, l. 19 (ts 86): ts: `... of what things are and of how results are to be produced. They lack effective criteria for determining whether or not they actually have understood. how results ...'
pt 542, l. - 2 (ts 87): Originally this sentence began `Tenthly.' See above, note on pt 536, l. - 2.
pt 543, l. - 13 (ts 88): ts: `... there is the problem of power in its highest form, power over the energies of men. Inasmuch as men are intellectually the problem of human development ...'
pt 544, l. 2 (ts 88): Originally this sentence began `In the eleventh place.' See above on pt 542, l. - 2.
pt 544, l. - 16 (ts 89): ts: a philosophic language
pt 544, l. - 7 (ts 89): ts: or a vital openness to change.
pt 545, l. - 19 (ts 90): ts: `... nearly all we say is metaphor, then myth is expanded metaphor and metaphor we say ...'
pt 545, l. - 18 (ts 91): the second `that' is not in ts, and there is a comma after `contracted myth': `... metaphor is revised and contracted myth, and myth is anticipated ...'
pt 545, l. - 14 (ts 91): ts: `... a series of discoveries of new meanings and the greater any such discovery was the less the likelihood that it could have been communicated initially merely by a variation in linguistic usage. of new meanings; ...'
pt 545, l. - 11 (ts 91): ts has `contexts'
pt 546, l. 12 (ts 92): no comma
pt 546, par. `Besides' (ts 92): originally sentence began `In the twelfth place,'
pt 547, l. - 3 (ts 94): ts: `round'
pt 548, l. 7 (ts 94): ts: `... a control of human living without being transposed into dynamic images that we have characterized as mysteries. But if one means by a man a being that is capable without being ...'
pt 548, l. 13 (ts 95): ts: `... lie in the sensitive field. In the measure that man develops in self-knowledge, there increases he becomes increasingly conscious sensitive field...'
pt 548, l. - 13 (ts 95): ts: `and so advance'
pt 548, l. - 3 (ts 96): ts: `... metaphysics, a more conscious ...'
pt 549, enumeration (ts 97): 5) was originally `truth in implementation' and 6) `truth in its dialectical manifestation.'
pt 553, l. 9 (ts 102): ts: `... and immateriality. Finally, the account of the notion of the good will involve in the next chapter a distinction between the potential, formal, and actual good that coincides with the distinction between potency, form, and act, and so will result in an identification of the good, of ontological truth, and of the intrinsic intelligibility of being.'
pt 553, l. - 11 (ts 103): ts: `It is one thng to say so and another to judge, for men can lie. It is one thing to be rich in experience and another to be wealthy fluent in words. It is one thing to understand ...'
pt 554, l. 11 (ts 104): ts: `Words are sensible: they are conveyed by oscillations in the air or marks on paper; they possess in the dynamism of sensitive consciousness their retinues of associations of images and memories, feelings and emotions, attitudes and sentiments; they support and heighten the resonance of human inter-subjectivity they support ...'
pt 554, l. - 18 (ts 104): ts: `by the a sensitive routine that is named thinking in a foreign language that permits ...'
pt 555, l. - 2 (ts 107): ts: `... the gulf between knowledge and expression. The condition of the coincidence between ...'
pt 556, l. 11 (ts 107): ts: `... let us suppose that X proposes to communicate an insight (A) to a reader Y. a writer ...'
pt 557, l. - 14 (ts 109): ts: `... counter-position. While we affirm a public and common domain, through which men can communicate, because jus
For us the possibility of communication, the origin of a public and common terrain through which men can communicate, lies in the unconditioned ground of judgment and, in particular, on its independence of the judging subject. But on the counter- It can be maintained ...'
pt 557, l. - 4 (ts 110): ts: `in terms of mistaken'
pt 558, l. 7 (ts 110) par. `Finally': earlier start, crossed out: `Finally, there is puzzled counter-position of irreflection or obtuseness. Sometimes, meaning is clear and obvious. Why should it not always be so? Why should the communication of simple truth hide behind the voluminous folds of long-winded and tortuous expression? But, perhaps, we have done something to answer that legitimate query.'
pt 558, l. 19 (ts 111): ts: `... the necessity of the effort to learn; and those that insist that everything true must be stated in plain and simple terms,
true must also be plain and simple
the effort ...'
pt 559, l. 6 (ts 112): ts: `to be familiar with the range of its relevance, to be able to select and arrange and indicate to others the combination of sensible elements that will give rise to the same insight in them and, if one fails on a first attempt, to be able to make any number of different attempts with the range ...'
pt 559, l. - 12 (ts 113): ts: `... knowledge. We restrict what we might know, for we make ourselves uninterested in truth and being We restrict ...'
pt 559, l. - 9 (ts 114): ts: `demand set by'
pt 559, par. `The reader': earlier start, crossed out: `This account of the cognitional appropriation of truth in terms of its problems not only is dynamic but also runs parallel to'
pt 561, l. - 16 (ts 117): ts: `this' for `his'
pt 562, l. 12 (ts 118): ts had `full' for `reflective'; changed by hand
pt 563, l. 3 (ts 119): again, `full' for `reflective', changed
pt 563, l. - 19 (ts 119): ts: `... numerous degrees of intellectual attainment. To work out a reflective interpretation that was satisfactory to one audience would not relieve one of the necessity of working out a different reflective interpretation for every other audience degrees ...'
pt 563, l. - 18 (ts 120): `... a reflective interpretation that satisfied a single audience; but that audience will not live forever; there is an enormous range of other audiences to be satisfied even that satisfied ...'
pt 564, par. However run into preceding
pt 564, l. - 18 (ts 121): ts: `if interpretation is to be scientific, then it has to break away from relativity to incidental audiences. to bring is to be scientific, ...'
pt 565, l. 4 (ts 122): ts: `that lie in insights and judgments. Moreover, it approaches these acts of meaning not indirectly but directly. So it differs from such general inquiries as phonetics, comparative grammar, the principles of lexicography, linguistic and stylistic analysis, which ultimately are concerned with meaning but directly devote their attention to expression. in insights ...'
pt 565, l. 8 (ts 123): ts does not have `or'
pt 565, l. 16 (ts 123): ts: `level and texture of another culture in another epoch. Everything beyond certain spatially ordered marks on paper or parchment, papyrus or stone, is to have its source in the interpreter's ability to distinguish and recombine elements in his own experience, to recover the accumulation of insights characteristic of a different stage of human development, to envisage the context and significance of judgments based on such insights. The sources of history immanent in the historiographer texture ...'
pt 566, l. - 18 (ts 125): ts: `the different manners in which insights can be accumulated. But common sense is always a procedure and never a method; and initially mathematics, science, and philosophy not only had to discover their proper methods by a long process of trial and error but also were undifferentiated from common sense and so interfered with a grasp of its proper procedure and competence. in which ...'
pt 567, par. Now run into preceding
pt 567, l. - 16 (ts 127): ts has `reflection'
pt 568, par. On the other hand: earlier start, crossed out (ts 127): `On the other hand, we would contend both that a particular philosophy can ground a universal viewpoint and that particular philosophies become capable of grounding a universal viewpoint in the measure that they do not differ significantly from the philosophy we are presenting.
`In the first place, a particular philosophy can ground a universal viewpoint. For a particular philosophy can be based on the dynamic structure of human cognitional'
pt 568, l. 12 (ts 128): ts: `viewpoint; for just as the philosophy was reached through a consideration of the elements, which in various combinations constitute the total range of possible philosophies, so also the reverse process for a universal ...'
pt 568, l. - 11 (ts 130): ts: `the potential totality of viewpoints is reached and more refined accounts of its elements serve only to determine with greater accuracy and fulness not the potential but the actual totality of totaity ...'
pt 569, par. Now, earlier start crossed out (ts 131): `The distinction between different levels of expression is based upon the consideration of further factors.'
pt 569, l. - 17 (ts 131): ts has crossed out: or 3) in intelligently ordered and reflective
pt 570, l. 2 (ts 132): ts: `... further questions. Literary writers operate principally on the same level; words are sensible entities; they ...' No change indicated. Change is made in ms B.
pt 570, l. 5 (rs 132): ts has `engaged primarily in'
pt 570, l. 6 (ts 132): ts has `absorb the attention of prospective readers. Even when literary writing aims ultimately to teach and to convince, at the communication of insights and convictions, it does so indirectly. Instead of a frontal attack on the reader's intelligence, there is the insinuation of insights through the images from which they subtly emerge. Instead of a methodical summing up of the pro's and con's of a judgment, ...'
pt 573, par. `It will serve' had earlier start, crossed out: `To bring home this point and, at the same time, to illustrate in a particular case the significance of levels and sequences of expression, it seems worth while to direct attention to the limitations of the treatise. For the practical insight governing the verbal flow in the treatise is reached by the simple transposition from logic as a science to logic as a technique'
pt 574, l. 4 (ts 138): Sentence `But' originally read: `But it is without perfect exactitude and without perfect rigor through expression that is relative to an audience and successful when the audience is sized up correctly, that the initial steps are taken into the realm of automatic security.' Changed by hand.
pt 574, l. 19 (ts 139): ts: `There is needed are needed distinctions between descriptive terms and relations, explanatory terms and relations, terms as specifying conjugates, events, and things terms that specify ...'
pt 575, l. 4 (ts 140): ts: `almost each psyche'
pt 575, l. 12 (ts 140): ts: `... to the next. No doubt, a still more complex logic may some day be developed some day to handle such operators with the Nor is one ...'
pt 575, l. 16 (ts 140): ts has `treatise'
pt 577, l. 14 (ts 143): ts: `... development. And under such circumstances the application of logic So it is that the facts of human knowing conflict with the supposition that must be made if one is to apply logic as a technique As long as ...'
pt 577, par. Now: earlier start crossed out: `Now it is plain enough that there exists a problem of relativism in the field of interpretation, not because scholars have overlooked the necessity of the lower'
pt 578, l. 6 (ts 145): ts: operated on the basis of assumptions
pt 578, l. - 8 (ts 146): ts: `... it has to be possible to proceed for the interpreter to proceed from his own experience, understanding, and judgment to the meaning of any document and it has to be possible for the interpreter to determine which meaning is to be attached to which document. But the first implicit possibility involves has to be possible'
pt 579, par. `However': earlier start crossed out: `However, a method is a way to get results, and it will be asked how the foregoing pair of apparently useless generalities can lead to results. Indeed, the practising historian will be apt to greet our account of the upper blade with approximately the same bewilderment and dismay as the expert in setting up the apparatus for an experiment in physics feels for tensors and eigenfunctions.'
pt 580, l. 10: ts: `determinate'
pt 580, l. - 19 (ts 149): ts: `... of Q's message. The pure formulation of Q's context 1) proceeds from a universal viewpoint and 2) determines the particular viewpoint from which Q's thought and expression proceeded. Moreover, Q had at his disposal ascertainable resources of language and channels of communication. Accordingly, the content of the But the pure formulation ...'
pt 580, l. - 9 (ts 150): ts: `... of contexts have to form genetically and dialectically related members of a universal sequence of has to exhibit ...'
pt 581, l. 11 (ts 151): ts: `... multiple verification: not only ...'
pt 581, l. - 11 (ts 151): ts: `... have their results checked against results in very different fields. their individual results checked ...'
pt 582, l. 1 (ts 152): ts has `explanatorily'
pt 583, l. - 20 (ts 154): ts does not have `general'
pt 583, l. - 16 (ts 155): ts does not have `scientific'
pt 585, l. 9 (ts 158): ts indicates a new par. should begin at Thus
pt 585, l. - 14 (ts 158): ts: `... and intellectual patterns; so it is that enormous erudition is devoted to efforts that claim to reconstruct and recapture the mentality of pagan religiosity, of the Greek mysteries, of Eschatology and Apocalyptic, of Hellenistic Judaism; and so there are created of Hellenistic Jewry, and the Christian Urgemeinde; so there arise the vast and ill-defined problems of the influences exercised by these intriguing entities upon one another and of the conditions of an individual's migration from allegiance to one to allegiance to another. patterns. So there ...'