De expressione
Sku: 42200DTL060
Archival Number: A422
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): Latin
Decade: 1960
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2 pages, typed, single-spaced. Begins with affirmation that expression can be discursive, practical, artistic, or a combination of these (§ 1). Then proceeds to discuss singly discursive, practical, and artistic expression (§§ 2-4), and gives in § 4 five differences between discursive and artistic expression (despite the fact that each of them has a threefold structure that bears a `certain analogy' to the structure of human cognition: the things to be arranged, their arrangement, and their statement, whether oral or written). The differences have to do with (a) the elements to be ordered, (b) the order itself, (c) the aim of the order, (d) the measure of a discursive statement and of an artistic statement, and (e) what it is that is to be expressed in each of these two types of statement. MS has translated this item, and the translation is in the word\archive subdirectory (MSA422-5.doc). It appears in vol. 22.
Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran
No transcription available.