Theology as Christian Phenomenon, Part 1
Sku: 42300A0E060
Archival Number: CD/mp3 423
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1960
CD/mp3 423. The first part of a lecture delivered the Thomas More Institute, Montreal, on 1 October 1964, as the opening lecture in a course entitled ‘Faith: An Exploration of the Christian Commitment.’ Corresponds to cwl 6: 244-56. Sponsored by Faithful Companions of Jesus, Toronto. The purpose of the lecture is to convey a set of suggestions on the way theology works in the concrete. Bruno Snell’s The Greek Discovery of the Mind is used, first, to illustrate development in human apprehension of what it is to be human. Then it is emphasized that there is a similar development in the apprehension of Christ: in the New Testament, as Messiah, as Son of Man, as risen Lord, as the Son sent by the Father. There were difficulties in putting together just what the New Testament had to say about Christ, and these are illustrated in the Adoptionists, Sabellians, Arians, Appollinarists, Nestorians, and Monophysites. The philosophic difficulties that affected the development of Christological dogma are illustrated in Jewish Christianity, Gnosticism, and Tertullian. This will be continued in the second half of the lecture (42400A0E060).