De explicito et implicito
Sku: 42300DTL060
Archival Number: A423
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): Latin
Decade: 1960
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2 pages, typed, single-spaced. Same typewriter as A422. A few handwritten additions at bottom of p. 1. Contains six points. The first defines the simply explicit, what is explicitly known, and what is explicitly said. The second defines what is implicit, and distinguishes four basic ways in which something can be implicit: literary, logical, psychological, and gnoseological. `To these will be added later compound ways, namely, historical, religious, theological.' (See next item for one of these). § 3 treats the literarily implicit, § 4 the logically implicit, § 5 the psychologically implicit, and § 6 the gnoseologically implicit. § 5 contains material on intersubjectivity, empathy, sympathy (explicitly distinguishing the latter two), notitia and cognitio (implicitly [!] distinguishing these two), two elements in human knowledge differently combined, and five manners in which something can be psychologically implicit. The gnoseologically implicit of § 6 refers to the subject as subject: known in itself and through the intellect (by notitia), but not as being, intelligible, and true, but as experienced. MS has translated this item. Appears in vol. 22.
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