De problemate theologico
Sku: 425A0DTL060
Archival Number: A425a
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): Latin
Decade: 1960
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It is debatable whether these two pp. are complete in themselves or a fragment, but I strongly suspect the latter: they do not in themselves do everything that BL says in the first paragraph that he will do. There are two major sections. The first, numbered 1, simply indicates in one paragraph that what is given here are generales quasdam indicationes grounding and explaining a way of proceeding. The second, numbered 2, occupies the rest of what we have here. It states that besides the theology that is said to be contained in the OT and NT, there can be distinguished patristic, medieval, classical (16th and following centuries), and contemporary theology. Then several paragraphs are given to each of these. Patristic theology as here considered is mainly conciliar theology, and mention is made of new nonbiblical terminology. The treatment of medieval theology focuses on the quaestio, the development of this technique, its use in Thomas, the use of Aristotle, the clash between Augustinians and Aristotelians, Thomists and Scotists, and the two resultant conflicting understandings of theology: intelligentia fidei and logica fidei. Classical ( = classicist) theology is concerned with sound doctrine, refutation, theologian as soldier of Christ, ten theological loci. Contemporary theology is marked by transitions: from Aristotelian ideal of science to reality of modern science (some additions here to L's usual list of characteristics of this transition), from `classical conceptualism' (the expression used here for classicism) in the understanding of humanity to historical knowledge of civilizations, cultures, etc. (and examples of classical conceptualism are given in Catholicism and deism), and from Greek philosophy and dogmatic realism to philosophies that are closely connected to the modern sciences and their methods.
Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran
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