Theology 432 V\3\5
Sku: 43200D0EL60
Archival Number: A432
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English, Latin
Decade: 1960
Open 43200D0EL60.pdf

4 schematic handwritten pp. headed 'Theology.' Treats positive and systematic theology

Database and descriptions © Copyright 2008 by Robert M. Doran


Transcription by Robert M. Doran

A432: Theology

4 schematic handwritten pp. Treats positive and systematic theology


[page 1]


Theology – dogmatico–theological context

                    remainder that complements qualifies explains defends

                                    each particular dogmatic, theological statement


Positive theology        nobilissimum theologi munus  2314


                                                as ground of existing context


                                                as ground of further development of existing context DB

2314  1 John


                        ground             truth as independent of subject à others know same

                                                                                                                  believe same

                                                         as independent of context


                                                                        can be transferred to another


                                                                        experience       judge



intersubjectivity   family     formulations of

symbol                  society    history of

art                         morals

language               educationàtheory of

religion                 state

literature               law

history                  economy

science                  technics



                                                            without going beyond existing context


                                                            developing context: systematic

                                                                                                critical             exigence



                        per se does not change the thing that is known         

                                                            knowledge of the thing

                                    but uses knowledge of the thing to reach

                                                another fuller more accurate knowledge


                        per accidens    system: inadequate, does not fit facts, all of them


                                                critical: unauthenticy, horizon, conversion

(page 2)

Positive theology


1  Concentrate on turning points

            thematization that heads into system, theory

            subsequent and prior  two sequences of repetitions  

                                                                            minor variations


            comparative method

                        a applied to same writer if highly intelligent    Aquinas

                        b applied to succession of writers


2  understanding the history of the doctrine à understanding the doctrine


            understanding the history


   comparative  a acknowledge what was stated explicitly

                            implicit = hypothetical thematization

                                     e.g. vital act, 7 centuries, DPCA p. 248, Bouillard

   genetic          b account for differences from the data

                        a text of Augustine that contradicts previous position

                account for all of them

   dialectical     g opposed developments

                                                Nazianzen – Adam Eve Seth

                                                 μοναρχια     - aitiatoi           immediate      


                                                principium qui et loquor vobis


3  nobilissimum munus

            we know from divine assistance & magisterium that doctrine ?

            theologian to show how contained

                        truth absolute independent of subject: known, believed by others

                                                independent of context: not that you can determine it apart

from context

but that the same meaning can be stated in another context

(page 3)


3  is contemporary context same as original revelation?

                        Nobilissimum theologi munus   2314


            continuity, identity: in authority

                                                authority also demands that it be shown to be the same


            whole is same if continuity at each turning point

                                                                        moment of development


            Each moment – in general – thematization does not change thing


                                                            but adds further, different apprehension of the same



            in particular


               judgment               in light of objective operation of norms

                                                            manifested by dialectical oppositions

                                                where error can be reduced [?] to horizon

                                                                                      lack of conversion



(page 4)


Systematic theology


            Positive relates contemporary context to origins: justification, communication

                                                                                           further development


            Systematic relates contemporary context to end

                                                aliqua intelligentia eaque fructuosissima


1  You are using the mind God gave you and the gift of faith God gave you

                        know exactly what it is and does


                        basic unauthenticity    using the mind God gave you

                                                            supposing saying that it is something else



2  Structure of knowing is isomorphic with structure of proportionate known


                        those partial acts à one knowing                   metaphysics is limited

                        those partial objects à one known                 = structure


3  ex analogia eorum quae naturaliter cognoscuntur

                        you have to have the natural knowledge        Trinity

                                                                                                Xt as subject

                                                                                                habit, operation


4  analogy involves a twofold ignorance   ---  quid sit   =  perfect understanding  [?]


Insight, Constitutione Xti, DPCA, De Verbo Incarnato