Quaeritur de Ideale Rationis translated
Sku: 43300DTE060
Archival Number: A433 V36
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1960
Open 43300DTE060.pdf
English translation from RD's transcription of the Latin notes found in A433. The question of the ideal of reason.
Dated Feb 20 1961. The original consists of 5 handwritten schematic pp, in perhaps two slightly different shades of green ink. 4 of the 5 pp. are on reverse of discarded English text on realism. These are the first notes in this file (V/8) to have a date. I presume they are notes for the 1961 course De intellectu et methodo. I do not think the earlier items in this file belong to that course, but to something later, perhaps preparation for ‘De methodo theologiae’ in the spring. The handwritten notes along with RD's transcription of the Latin may be found at 43300D0L060.
Latin transcription and English translation by Robert M. Doran
No transcription available.