More pp. on Ideal of Reason translation
Sku: 43500DTE060
Archival Number: A435 V310
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1960
Open 43500DTE060.pdf


English translation from the transcription of the Latin notes found in A435. Dated February 27 1961.

4 more pp. on the ideal of reason, handwritten, schematic. All of these are on reverse of discarded pp. on cognitional theory (A435a). It is important to note the date, as this item belongs earlier than 43400DTE070. The handwritten notes along with RD's transcription of the Latin may be found at 43500D0L060.

Latin transcription and English translation  by Robert M. Doran

Dec 13/2010: there is a mistake in my translation of something on p. 1: 'much less than in math and physics' does not go with what follows regarding the human sciences, which is a quite distinct issue -- RD

Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran



No transcription available.