Method of Theology
Sku: 45100D0EL60
Archival Number: A451 V43
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English, Latin
Decade: 1960
Open 45100D0EL60.pdf

3 handwritten schematic pp. 1 English, 2 Latin. The second and third pages of this item correspond to the very beginning of the 1962 spring course De Methodo Theologiae.

Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran


Transcription by R. Doran

Method of Theology


I. fontes inexhaustible

    DB 1800


II. Method is concerned with theology at the moment of development

            moment of increasing understanding



    What is true of any moment is true of all.

            Hence method of theology [is] revealed in its history

                                                              to be applied in its future


III Sum of developments = theology as a whole at any given time

            hence indirectly concerned w theological doctrine

                        i.e., Method must be such as to assign series of developments that integrate

                        but method itself is concerned with moment


IV Change is concrete: abstractions do not change

                      personal, exsistential [sic]: it is an initiative of a responsible individual

                      historical: it is from previous sum of developments                

                                                to a fuller sum (adds ‘one’)

                      social: goes forward in church

                                                            judgment of theol

                                                            judgment of church

                      set of questions: that bring create [?] change

            Method indirectly regards object of theology – directly concerned with subject and his operations.


[page 2]


De Methodo Theologiae


DTC    nullus articulus specialis Méthode

            Théologie Y. Congar XV 1946 (29) 341-502

            explicite de methodo 462 ss bibl 501 ss

            stud. hist. ? 346-447

            special? 411-447

Problemi e Orientamenti, I Milano 1957

            C Colombo 1-56 bibl 48-56

LTK III 1003-1012 biblo. 1111 s

            A Lang Erkenntnis und Methodenlehre

B Xiberta Introductio in sacram Theologiam

                        Madrir 1949

            Bibl 34-48


Erich Rothacker, Einleitung in de Geisteswissenschaften, Tübingen 2nd ed. 1930

                            Logic und Systematik der Geisteswissenschaften Bonn 1947

            Theologia est de Deo qui attingitur non immediate – visio

                                                                        sed mediate – per sensum verbi Dei

                                                                                       ? ordinis corporis

Divinarum Personarum 1957 1959

De Deo Trino Pars Analytica 1961

De Verbo Incarnato 1961 (second)

Insight 1957 1958 1961


[page 3]


Multipliciter concipi posset

            De natura theologiae

            De problemate theologico contemporaneo

            De causis problematic contemporanei

In medias res: de notione methodi