Problematica Altera
Sku: 45200D0L060
Archival Number: A452 V46
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): Latin
Decade: 1960
Open 45200D0L060.pdf
17 pp. handwritten schematic. This is an addition to the 1962 course De methodo theologiae. Mainly on problem of history, where the second problematic had to do with history and historical consciousness. References to Gadamer.
The document contains some of Lonergan's most difficult handwriting, and the transcription (which will appear in 45200DTL060) has many unanswered questions. Moreover, these notes are not the whole of his 'problematica altera,' as is clear from from the list of topics on the first page. Most of the first six of these topics are not treated in these notes at all.
Some light on the further material in the problematica altera might be garnered from vol. 22 of the Collected Works, where Lonergan makes reference to this part of his notes and where he explicitly indicates at one point (p. 182) that he is moving on from the notes he had distributed (which contained only the first problematic) and where in fact he moves on to the materials of the second problematic.
In the ideal order, a transcription of these notes would be part of vol. 23, but the handwriting is so difficult to decipher that it is better to have a transcription offered online that might eventually be improved upon.
Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran
Transcription will appear in 45200DTL060 -- it is too long to insert here.