John 10.30 and problems in hermeneutics
Sku: 45800D0E060
Archival Number: A458 V58
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1960
Open 45800D0E060.pdf
3 pp. (stapled originally?) First treats interpretation of John 10.30, second and third problems in hermeneutics. Context may well be 'problematic altera' of spring 1962 course 'De methodo theologiae'
Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran
45800DTEL60 / A 458
Transcription by Robert M. Doran -- complicated pages, scratchy handwriting, difficult to transcribe
Revised August 27 2011 -- still a number of difficulties
45800DTEL60 / A 458
John 10.30
Tertullian: duo sunt Pater et Filius, est Deus unus; mode of spiritual, divine, matter – portio, intima, subordinata
Origen: Son is omnipotence of Father – omnia per ipsum
– omnia mea tua sunt & omnia tua mea sunt
middle Platonism – cf. Hippolytus: mia triÅn dunamis
Athanasius: Quod enim de tua gloria, revelante te, credimus, hoc de Filio
excludes Tert, Origen, implies knowledge via propositional truth
ST 1, 3, 4, 2m[1]
Gutwenger: agrees with Galtier on metaphysics of Person – Tiphanus
disagrees with G. on person with consciousness – appeal to John
obviously a new use of text
1 Each ask questions out of his own context
Each obtain answers from John
John’s words intend answers to other questions not Tert, Orig, Athan, Gutwenger
2 A What were John’s questions, his Fragestellung à Kierkegaard – we’ll be dead
B What is legitimacy, validity, of Gutwenger’s Tert Orig Athan use of John
3 Biblical theology: Descamps: basic historico-critical, Marrou skepticism misplaced [arrow from Descamp: as a non-Catholic, dogmatic preoccupation ?; don’t rush into ?]; add Word of God, add inerrant
Peinador: historical approach à error; read scripture in light of dogma; can’t understand text’s meaning without Assumption
G Ebeling: Biblical: normative – above any Christian theology is biblical – in accord with
= theology of scriptural writers = religious content = fragment of Religionswissenschaft, which practitioners of RW do not call theology, not about God but about man’s thoughts about God
Some questions: John’s context: existence of HG [Holy Ghost]
Some questions: later context: procession from Son
both ? dogma: theoretical[?] theology: ratio per fidem illustrata – about God, not philosophy, not faith, distinct object, SScr de mediatione
fides per rationem adiuta: belief & conclusions
M. Cano ?
[page 2]
Problems in Hermeneutics
1 Hermeneutic Circle
understand whole from parts, parts from whole
every whole is part of a larger whole – Kierkegaard’s NT student
every last[?] part subject to revision via larger whole
DB 2314 fons numquam exhauriatur: eo sensu quo definitum est
does not tend to limit à Weltgeschichte à Last day
[marginal, arrow to ‘numquam exhauriatur’]: necessity of a developing Fragestellung – ]
Scholion: tends to limit; what is limit? Esprit de finesse! What is that?
tends to limit on limited questions (How are they formulated?)
when limited questions solved by many ? tending to limit
2 Romantic vs Classical
Classsical: literal sense vs figure of speech: simile, allegory, metaphor, synecdoche, metonymy
Romantic & Depth Psychology as applied to literary criticism (Langer)
[marginal: not Hegelian: dimension of time; Journet, new Herm.]
classical distinction valid for members of Hellenistic culture, qua ?
in general: a rationalization, an Entmythologisierung
subject expresses himself qua preconceptual, prelogical
meaning as intersubjective, artistic, symbolic, dramatic-practical
meaning of text
= what John meant
in John’s categories
Einfühlen, Empathy
Mitvollzug of the work, feel oneself into his position
Lebensphilosophie [Winckelmann, Schleiermacher, Dilthey]
Genera litteraria: sensus litteralis supponit normam in rebus humanis, hominem anima rationalis, anima symbolica, à (from hominem) ? philosophy
3 Verstehen vs Erklären – méthode comprehensive vs. explicative
A Erklären – apprehension, conception, of what is given, mediated by empirical laws
Verstehen – understanding is immediate – not via laws
B Verstehen expressed
(A) scientifically, universal definitions, unlimited purposes, unknown to ?
(B) commonsense – accumulation of insights for limited purposes: what is to be said, done
Hermemeutics is not scientific; it is a matter of acquiring common sense of another person, age, culture à Lebensphilosophie: Dilthey à Yorck, Heidegger, SZ II, 5
à Historismus
[margin:] next to A and B on Verstehen/ Erklären:
act of ?
history – cf. Hegel
by qq
- ? // ? Hegel
[margin next to ‘Hermeneutics is not scientific,’ etc.:]
(1) Rostovsteff
(2) Depth psychology
(3) Philosophic development
genesis of Christian philosophy
(4) Functional Christology: quoad nos ≡ quoad se
[page 3]
4 Existential [20th century] die hermeneutische Situation
α Urphänomen is understanding not words but thing
understanding words is per se; hermeneutics deals with per accidens when block
β One does not acquire another’s mentality, perform Mitvollzug of world
one shares his interest in the thing, die Sache
one broadens one’s own horizon, reading with one’s ideal until block then re-reading
γ Process of coming to understand by overcoming block, shifting to new Fragestellung
α'' is a function of my Vorverständnis, and that is a variable, historical product
Peter had diff re Paul, so have I; but diffic differ and significant loc for solutions differ
β'' is not repeatable, and so radical difference from scientific experiment, even philosophically
an objective Methodik is oblivious of the Geschichtlichkeit of interpreter
Postulat der Gemeinheit (which is common today)
Axiom der G…lichkeit (everyone will understand that)
[margin with arrow to ‘is not repeatable’: like learning by experience; one does not have to have it twice; really, one cannot have it twice; not an abstract ideal experience]
γ'' is entering into, participating, passing on a living Tradition which produces me, broadens, educates, transforms me
δ'' especially true of NT, which is not man’s feelings, ideas, about God, but God’s judgment on men; which in church is instrument of living tradition
5 Wirkungsgeschichte applied to SScr
WG of OT is observing, violating, the law and all implications of both
WG of NT is hearing, rejecting, the word, kerygma, didache and all implications
[arrow from 5 to:
difference from Protestant, Liberal, Modernist: we ? have to ? history]
WG: hearing the word, passing on the word, includes, assimilation – Piaget – slight modification of horizon, and adaptation (accommodation)
Jewish Christians, Gnostics à Symbol Apost
Patripassians, Sabellians à Tertullian
Symbolic interpretation à Orthodoxy, Clement Strom VIII
? Alex à Origen’s subordination
Arius, ?? à Nicea, Praefatio, Athanasius
develops its own categories: homoousion, hypostasis, physis, energeia, ?
supernaturale, habitualis, actualis, instrumentum
the developed categories originate a further Fragestellung
It is by reversing the WG that one arrives at the Ort of original Fragestellung
[1] Ad secundum dicendum quod esse dupliciter dicitur, uno modo, significat actum essendi; alio modo, significat compositionem propositionis, quam anima adinvenit coniungens praedicatum subiecto. Primo igitur modo accipiendo esse, non possumus scire esse Dei, sicut nec eius essentiam, sed solum secundo modo. Scimus enim quod haec propositio quam formamus de Deo, cum dicimus Deus est, vera est. Et hoc scimus ex eius effectibus, ut supra dictum est.