Fallacia analytica, multiple meanings, Dialectic, method of philosophy, space, time, meaning, speech, de implicito
Sku: 46500D0LE60
Archival Number: A465 V65
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): Latin, English
Decade: 1960
Open 46500D0LE60.pdf

Notes on Dialectic, method of philosophy, space, time, meaning, speech, de implicito. Context to be determined, as with everything in this folder (folder 6 in Batch V, items 463-471. 7 pp. originally stapled, schematic, handwritten

Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran



Revised transcription by R. Doran 3 Sept 2011

Fallacia analytica: Partes praecedunt totum. Abschattung: Horizont ???


Perceptio analytice:


            Aspectus: id quod sensibus datur sentiendum

                 secundum leges perspectivas, modis infinitis idem apparet

                 secundum leges lucis, multis et maximis variationibus

                        apparent colores (lumenositate, ? etc.)


            Series aspectuum: per motum vel obiecti vel nostri corporis

                                    exhiberi potest series aspectuum


            Integratio aspectuum: concipi potest functio pro singulis                 

                        rebus sensibilibus quemadmodum

                        apparerent ex singulis locis, sub singulis

                        lucis variationibus etc.


            Unde perceptio rei esset vel ipsa integratio vel forte aliquid plus


De facto


Videmus: non res perspectiva deformatas sed in illis figura qua structura quadrata quam eos habere credimus [idea ex factione]


            non colores apparentes sed ‘reales’ – scil, qui luci normali, distantia normali, videntur


            incipimus quodammodo a totalitate quadam normativa

                        interdum partes advertimus sed id quod de facto apparet


            aliis verbis conscientia dynamica suos fines prosequitur


[page 2]


(1) Multiple meanings – symbol has many meanings – thanatos, zōē

(2) Representative Instance – universal understood only in phantasm – hamartia

(3) Positivity of Negative – imagination cannot negate

                                                it can only present and then exceed

                                                overcome         vanquish

                                                Rom 8.35        Swinburne

(4) Reality of Representation – name, image, dream, shadow

                                                another Abschattung

                                                ‘just an image ‘ cf (3)

                                                (1) Stephen Terry George

                                                (2) Real distinction

                                                (3) Idolatry: images forbidden in VT

                                                                                    used, favored in church


(5) Prolongation of Identity – Man, his parts, separated parts: hair, nails, excrement

                                                cf. (4)


(6) Hypostatization – (a) symbol is intersubjective

      Vitalization           in early man, but everything understood intersubjectively


                                    (b) animals not sharply distinguished, they feel superior to man, have villages ?

                                    plants not sharply distinguished, they are alive

                                    earth, water, sun, air – they bring forth and nourish life


                                    cf SPCA          art picture is alive: not only face figure

                                                                        but stove, chairs etc.


(7) Metamorphosis: causal process not analyzed

                                    offspring from womb; birds and reptiles from egg; tree from earth, fishes from sea, flies from air

            Ur-sache: put complement in cool place to cool wound

                                    salve ?                                  heal

            Aq. eye of basilisk, magical pictures. Ar on generative act


(8) Condensation: any single image unequal to task; many from fecundity intensity feeling sense of importance


(9) Magic: (a) Power of mind: language over men, domestic animals, stratagems, implements

                  (b) 7, 6, 4, 5

                  (c) uncritical will to power


[page 3]


Primitive recognizes and names          explicit

                does not know suppositions of his operations

                cannot appeal to unknown suppositions

                cannot deduce from unknown suppositions

                cannot be coherent logical with regard to

                        what he knows implicitly


One whole identity

            how far does it extend

            his picture, effigy, shadow, dream-image, name

            his parts, his separate parts: hair, ?, excrement


Cause & effect

            cf wound hot, put stone implement in cool place

                                    put ointment on cause

                                    Cause ≡ Ur-sache

                                    not just relationship while causing


[page 4]


Method of Philosophy – Making implicit explicit


(1) Metaphysical Reflexion

            work out necessary suppositions of commonsense truths

            penetrate to what is contained in meaning of ‘change’/’exist’/’nature’

            set up series of theses based on selection of examples


(2) Transcendental Logic

            determine in general the necessary conditions of the possibility of an object

            (a) special type of object presupposed, e.g., Newtonian Mechanics

            (b) subject: just a minimal postulate: Ich denke

            (c) range limited by ideal of necessity


(3) Insight

            (1) Distinguish different patterns of experience of concrete subject

            (2) Determine sequence of acts of subject in a given pattern

            (3) Determine content of acts of subject in a given pattern

            (4) Determine structured content of object


(a) not special type of object – but objects of common sense/of any science/in any subjective pattern

(b) subject in his concreteness

(c) variations in time (1) for development of polymorphic subject, (2) for development of knowledge


[page 5]


Space: not only object is spatial

            but incarnate spirit subject knows through spatially arranged organs


(1) Performance Space: Kinesthetic    movement of mouth






                                                                                    locomotion of whole

                                                            sense of volume & direction

                                    touch, feelings, pleasures, pains

                                    taste, palate, mouth

                                    hearing, sounds, approach, recede

                                    sight placed objects

                                                moving objects


(2) OS             [organized space] qualitative – up & down – spatial properties: people at antipodes fall off

                                                                                    Ar./Aq natural places

            filled – rooms doors windows corridors streets houses monuments

                        sky, sun moon stars

                        earth rock soil, pasture, woodland rivers lakes/valleys mountains

            Places & Ways


 (3) Organized Space

            primitives: go great distance, unerringly find way back

                               no capacity to draw a map

            to transpose: P Sp: [diagram] into visual field

            to organize      objects: seen

                                                 recalled                       within systematized field



(4) Math



[page 6]


Time    Aug Conf XI


(a) Mathematical (pseudo) – point that moves

                                                how does it know it moves


(b) Expectations          desire                           satisfaction

                                    fear                  à        escape

                                    intention                      fulfilment

      Memory: Inverse expectation

      Given – occasion for activity (future)

                    guided by memories (past)


(c) Subjective organization of time[?]

            Time of percipient is time of object    Eva, angels in time

                                                                        Simultaneity (astonishment)

            two cross street at same time


            Aq       si numerus et mensura motus

                        quia multi motus, multa tempora


            Thomist  de iure from Copernicus to Einstein’s problem


(d) Objectively organized times, durations

            Ar. Aq.





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Meaning          Meaning of meaning is just a meaning: another - ??

                                                                                        the same – vicious circle


(1) Either what is meant is more meaning or not

(2) If it is more meaning, idealist, immanentist

(3) If it is not, then transcendence

(4) Empiricist: (a) by pointing, gesture, demonstrative, sense perception, intellectual intuition by essence, ? reasoning

            intention in sense of pointing gesture intention

(5) Realist: (b) by intelligent and rational affirming

                        what is not just more meaning

(c) or a confusion of Emp, Realist


Law of lever means what you do when you verify law of lever

            but meaning is intrinsic to that process

                        it is intrinsic to the very acts of observation

                                                not only to report

                        the acts have to be performed in accord with meaning of instructions

                        the observations have to yield a meaning that meets the intention of the instructions

                        observation becomes precise through expression


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(a) language: structure: grammar syntax


            components universal in same fashion as reason

            need of intelligence to learn/to use a language, just as needed to do most human tasks


(b) function (1) to carry meaning

      immediate – what language directly means is conceived/judged

            false (not contradictory) and abstract has no less meaning than true & concrete

                        but only true verifiable

                              only true & concrete verifiable without qualifying instruction

                    (2) to carry meaning

                                    objectifying – a function of the speaker’s apprehension

                                    communicating – a function of the hearer’s apprehension


(c) function     to implement the transition from mythos to logos


            (1) language under the dominance of symbolic world-view à myth

            (2) language objectifies human intelligence & rationality

                        it provides the means of expressing/criticizing symbolic world-view

            (3) language provides the common ground for the development

                        of the technical system of signs of maths/sciences

            (4) language provides the vehicle for the philosophic examination of (1), (2), (3)


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Mundus proprius – ea pars universi quae intra proprium horizontem iacet


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De Implicito


            Symbolum diximus distinctiones transcendere / dialectice se habere ad theoriam


            In symbolo – surrisu mutuo adsunt

                        (1) situatio intersubiectiva symbolo determinate/revelata/create

                        (2) duae personae mutuo cognitae et agnitae

                        (3) quarum utraque est pars situationis

                                    utraque reliquam situationem ex parte obiecti habet

                                                se ipsam ex parte subiecti

                                                            eo modo praesens quo praesens

                                                            esse debeo ut alia mihi sunt praesentia