Problema probationis positivae - via inventionis
Sku: 46700D0LE60
Archival Number: A467 V69
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): Latin, English
Decade: 1960
Open 46700D0LE60.pdf


Problema probationis positivae - via inventionis

16 pp. originally stapled. Headings include: implicit-explicit, historice, aberratio in explicatione historica, religiose, in religione Christiana, de genesi categoriarum, de categoriis theologicis. Context to be determined.
Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran




A 467


Batch V, folder 6, item 9


Problema probationis positivae - via inventionis

16 pp. originally stapled. Headings include: implicit-explicit, historice [implicit and explicit], aberratio in explicatione historica, religiose [implicit and explitic], [implicit and explicit] in religione Christiana, de genesi categoriarum, de categoriis theologicis. On reverse of rejected pp from a Latin essay Problema historicitatis and `Christ as Subject' (at least these).


Transcription by R. Doran November 27, 2010. Related to items found in A423 and 424, which were probably taken from these much more extensive notes. If so, these notes throw light on the problems L is addressing in those items and probably indicate their context. In one hypothesis (mine), Lonergan is still trying to understand in terms of implicit-explicit the entire via inventionis, and especially the development of doctrine, which he would come to understand in terms of differentiations of consciousness, a category that has not emerged in these notes in relation to doctrinal development, and a category that is far more satisfactory for that problem than implicit-explicit. (While the notion of differentiations of consciousness clearly antedates these notes, perhaps it took some time for him to understand doctrinal development in those terms.)

The transcription is too large to be placed here, and so it may be found at 46700DTL060.