Operation and Meaning
Sku: 47600D0E060
Archival Number: A476 V81
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1960
Open 47600D0E060.pdf
5 Handwritten schematic pp. First item in Batch V, File 8: System and History.
Headings: Operation and Meaning (1), Operation and Meaning - Meaning 2 - Denotation (2), Operation and Meaning - The Control of Meaning - Need of Control (3), Operation and Meaning - The Control of Meaning - Its Attainment (4), Operation and Meaning - The Control of Meaning - Its Possibility (5).
Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran
A 476 V\8\1
Transcription by Robert M. Doran
Operation and Meaning
Meaning 1: immanent intelligibility
a sentence makes complete sense
meaning in non-representative art
A group of operations carries and reveals a set of immanent meanings
carries: operabilia, operationes, operata are all interrelated
materials: means: ends
reveals: insofar as
operabilia sensed, discriminated, selected
operations are apposite, ordered: trial & error
operata are anticipated, desired, sought, found satisfactory
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Operation and Meaning
Meaning 2: Denotation
A group of symbolic operations carries and reveals a set of denotative meanings
(1) cat – wall – tree – top
symbolic play – let’s make believe
exploring a universe of denotative meaning
(2) mathematics – exploring a universe of relational meanings
math : quantity :: psychology : body
(3) system building – exploring possible universes
(4) priority of assimilation: quidquid recipitur, ad modum recipientis recipitur
what is not assimilated is marginal, peripheral
hardly noticed
not taken up into consciousness
what is not able to be assimilated is beyond horizon
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Operation and Meaning: The control of Meaning – Need of Control
A group of operations tends to embrace the universe.
(1) oral schemes: baby: everything in mouth – oral space
(2) neurotic: persecution complex
(3) Totemism: a system of clan organization (exogamy)
supposes a group of real and symbolic operations [prohibition]
which is also Totemist Weltanschauung
formalis ratio sub qua omnia apprehenduntur
not just materials and then superimposed organization
(4) Weltanschuungen in general: progress, Marxism, Nationalism
basic group of real and symbolic operations
that are a priori to experience
construct the whole of experience
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Operation and Meaning – The Control of Meaning – Its Possibility
(1) Pragmatic sanctions
Trobriand Islanders: quite reasonable re planting, harvesting
for the rest, lost in myth and magic
Development of Civilization
α Egypt Babylon etc [?] wide expanse of human activity
for the rest, myth and magic
β empirical science
for the rest, “No metaphysics” Dread
(2) Transcendent sanctions
α one already knows real world
one regards with skepticism any systematization
positivism – common sense (sophisticated)
β but this ‘already knowing real world’
is just system corresponding to a set of groups of material and symbolic operations
and skepticism etc [?] is just retiring into ivory tower
denying oneself any influence in world that exists
one may do little harm, but one also does very little good
(3) Immanent sanctions
There exists an intellectual pattern of experience: per se uninfluenced
by fears and desires
It contains its own criteria: truth, unconditioned
It contains a basic, differentiable group of operations
that yield a gnoseology, epistemology, methodology, metaphysics
to self-appropriated intelligent rational self-consciousness
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Operation and Meaning – The Control of Meaning – Its Attainment
1 The immanent sanction may be operative in actu exercito [or] in actu signato
according as it itself is or is not an operatum of symbolic operations
2 To discover and express an adequate account (in actu signato)
of the immanent sanction has been the gradually
developing (or perpetually disputed) work of philosophy.
3 The immanent sanction (in actu exercito) as spontaneously
operative may be applied to particular symbolic
operata or to the total perspective, the Weltanschauung
α the former presupposes the Weltanschauung, the Weisheit
β the latter comes up for attention only in special circumstances, e.g.,
contrast of different cultures: Hebrew Prophets: ridiculing idolatry
Herodotus: comparing Greeks, Persians, Egypt
Thucydides, Plato: criticizing Greek culture