Are perspectives true?
Sku: 47700D0EL60
Archival Number: A477 V83
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English, Latin
Decade: 1960
Open 47700D0EL60.pdf
7 handwritten schematic pp. on perspectives, perspectivism, truth. Page 7 seems not to belong to this item. This item is the second in Batch V, folder 8, System and History.
Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran
A477 V\8\3
Transcription by Robert M. Doran
Are perspectives true?
α What is true is what is grasped as unconditioned.
What is grasped as unconditioned is explicitly adverted to.
Commonly the perspective within which a
judgment is made is not itself under judgment.
The perspective is present in obliquo
in actu exercito
but it is not present in recto
in actu signato
This is commonly the case (1) because communication
commonly takes place between people within
the same perspective,
(2) because the existence
and the significance of perspectives have to be
(3) because the discussion
of perspectives presents notable difficulties
The strange is strange – a barbarian
comparison by traveller, contrasting culture à reflection
the perspective itself comes up for judgment
à myth: not formal but objective error
[page 2]
α Pronomina
Adverbia localia et temporalia
Universals (abstract from individual, place, time)|Invariants
Put oneself in another’s place |Transformations
β Equivalent expressions
(x y z) (ρ θ φ) Languages insofar as they admit adequate translations [?]
Far simpler to use one for some purposes, others for other purposes
γ Difference of viewpoint resulting from difference of legitimate interest
one’s world: butcher, baker, candlestick maker
each incomplete, each with different selections, emphases,
all can be true insofar as they go
each contains elements of truth not otherwise attained: experience attention
δ difference of viewpoint: common sense and science
common sense sun rises & sets
things are classified not by classical formulae
but by ‘practical’ classification
quoad nos
science aim is a deductivist structure
reasoning, defining, set of definit[ions] & axioms
[page 3]
ε Differences of perception
(1) Spatial perspectives: position & distance
Auditory perspectives: distance
(2) relativity of movement
(3) colour of thing: higher integration dominates
surface: higher integrations omitted
(4) specializations of perceptivity
could not see tracks of animals pointed out by pygmies
higher integration admits various specializations
5 [sic] Developing viewpoints (multiplicity in time)
scientific theories are accepted not as true
but as best available probable view
truth will be reached most expeditiously by assuming them
and let consequences of assumption reveal inadequacy
such theories govern conceptualization
problems, definitions etc. [?] …
ζ Reflective multiplicity
Russell’s theory of types
Later hierarchies of ‘logical fields’
η The ‘Openness’ of non-trivial mathematics
Gödel’s theorem and other parallel theorems
Mathematical truth is not assured by internal criterion [there is a sign at the beginning of this line, perhaps a question mark]
[page 4]
θ The development of common sense
α′ Development from developing science
(1) common sense is a specialization of intelligence for dealing with concrete situations
the co-existence of science teaches common sense
that it is not universal knowledge but only a specialization
that there are whole series of areas on which it must defer
(2) common sense adopts (subalternate) scientific viewpoints, languages,
without any deep understanding
(a) fashions (b) practical uses
β′ Development from developing logic
common sense discovers it is not a deductivist structure
that it does not possess, vainly would seek,
mastery of accurate definitions
universal propositions
can/does tend in this direction under cultural influence: French classicist mentality
[Margin: logical classification
mastery in practice
γ′ Development from developing philosophy
transition from mythos to logos
primitives and ancient high civilizations embedded in myth
failure of distinctions: name and science
identity and similarity
existence of classes [chances?]
mode of conceiving causality
due to failure to distinguish judgment from understanding and experience
to give judgment its dominant role
δ′ Development from developing religion
education of Israel by national experience
by prophets, law, writings
ε′ Develoment from practical
primitive à anc. civiliz à Wisdom literature à Gk logos
[page 5]
Truths are absolute
They rest on the grasp of an unconditioned
The unconditioned is independent
not dependent on anything else
Truths are coherent
No two truths are contradictory either explicitly or implicitly
Contradiction supposes not only real but also notional identity
A is or A is B
A is not A is not B
are contradictory if and only if both
A means the same re et ratione
and B means the same re et ratione
Difference of perspective involves notional diversity
The perspective is the ‘ratio sub qua res consideratur’
ratio quam significant nomen est rei definitio
The existence of different perspectives, of itself, does not
invalidate either the absoluteness or the
coherence of truth
not the coherence, because the difference ratione precludes contradiction
not the absoluteness, for this pertains to each truth as such
[page 6]
(1) Truths are absolute
What is true is simply true
(2) Truths are coherent
No two truths are contradictory either implicitly or explicitly
(3) Contradiction supposes not only real but also notional identity
“A is” and “A is not”
“A is B” and “A is not B”
are pairs of contradictory propositions only
if there are meant the same A re et ratione
and the same B re et ratione
(4) Hence, truths are perspectival
Truths may be classified
not only insofar as they regard the same objects
but also insofar as they regard objects sub eadem ratione
Classification sub eadem ratione is perspectival
(5) Perspectives normally are implicit
Normally communication occurs between
people with the same perspective
and then the perspective is present in actu exercito
but not in actu signato.
Only when difference arises do people begin to attend explicitly to the perspective.
[page 7 seems not to belong to this item]