Being: four pages
Sku: 48100D0E060
Archival Number: A481 V811
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1960
Open 48100D0E060.pdf
4 handwritten schematic pages on being and judgment. This is the sixth item in Batch V, folder 8, System & History.
Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran
Transcription by Robert M. Doran
(1) What is to be known by the totality of true judgments
(2) What is to be known by understanding correctly everything about everything
(3) the objective of the pure desire to know
Equivalent (1) pure desire is unrestricted
(2) pure desire moves toward objective
by raising and answering qq
Qq are quid sit and an sit
Why should that be being? Every principle presupposes a notion of being
and so every argument for a notion of being
is involved in a vicious circle
Aq. I-II 66, 5 4m wisdom
wisdom (1) Ar first phil or (2) gift of HS
first an argument from authority except in case of
??? Noel etc - weakest of all arguments
second goes beyond phil to theol
What is genesis of wisdom?
Procedure: self-appropriation 1-8 insight
9-10 judgment
11 self-affirmation
12 notion of being
13 notion of objectivity
14 positions
Unless one says being is objective etc [?], one is in counterposition
one’s account of knowledge cannot be what is intelligently grasped
and rationally affirmed.
case of getting skeptic to talk
E.g., being is known by experience of resistance Scheler
qua rationally affirmed, it is not knowledge of being
qua experience of resistance, not rationally affirmed
Hence God not just Geist but Geist u. Drang
[page 2]
Arguments: not as tho a basic notion can be derived
but in sense that basic notions can be defended
opposed positions shown to be erroneous [?]
Either being is what is known by totality of true judgments
or being is what is known by some true judgments
or being is what is known by false judgments
or being is what is known wt any judgment.
If what is known by totality
(1) then veritas est adaequatio intellectus et rei
transpose: being is what is known by knowing truth
truth is what is known by knowing being
(2) since we do not reach totality and know we do not reach it
we know that we do not know being fully
If what is known by some
(1) then a pari by all
(2) otherwise which true j are knowledge and which are not
(3) [and otherwise] how can they be true if they do not correspond to being
[page 3]
If being is what is known by false judgments
(2) then being is irrational and unintelligible
e.g. A can be both B and not-B re et ratione is false
ergo being is what is self-contradictory
(1) Is this judgment false or true?
If false, irrational to assert it.
If true, then it is knowledge of nothing
for being is known not by true but by false judgments.
3 If being is what is known without judgment
then it is known α by experience alone
β by experience and insight
α is materialism
β is essentialist, Kantian, idealist, relativist, existentialist.
Scheler/ Heidegger/ Jaspers.
[page 4]
Being is what is known by totality of true judgments.
if on this basis there follow all the acknowledged properties of being.