History and System, etc.
Sku: 48200D0E060
Archival Number: A482 V813
Author: Lonergan, B.
Language(s): English
Decade: 1960
Open 48200D0E060.pdf
3 handwritten pp. Headings: History and System (1), De bono humano (2), Eras = Modes of Apprehension (3).
Closely related to part of what appears in 50100D0L050
Seventh item in Batch V, folder 8, System & History
Database and descriptions © Copyright 2017 by Robert M. Doran
Transcription by Robert M. Doran
History and System
A There is a systematic component to human living
(1) assimilation
(2) accommodation
à circ. op. [circle of operations]
(a) Piaget
(b) Mythic apprehension of world: totemistic
B History is the history of systems
their development
their interpretation
their breakdown
in a basic respect
C The a priori of history is B
Its a posteriori is from the data
D History itself is a circle of operations in the
purely intellectual system: what did they experience?
how did they understand?
[page 2]
De bono humano
I bona particularia
II bonum ordinis: civilizationis – sociale
recurrunt bona particularia regulariter
operationes coordinatae
habitus, instituta
relationes interpersonales
(1) ex dominatione naturae – technologia
(2) ex ordinatione actuum humanorum
ordo domesticus
ordo oeconomicus
ordo politicus
III valores: unde ordines sint boni
aestheticus: obiectum intelligibile in sensibilibus
ethicus: subiectum rationabile: verum, honestum
religiosus: homines coram Deo
in mundo historico
[In the left margin, for aestheticus, ethicus, and religiosus, there is the word ‘culturale’]
[page 3]
Eras = modes of apprehension
primitive: pre-civilizational culture = modes of assimilation
= modes of living
= modes of being
civilization à undistinguished
culture being
Historical | Post-cultural coincident
civilization in man as historical